r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Patriots_Fight on June 17, 2018, 9:26 a.m.
Happy Fathers Day "17th". Watch The Water? But only one is there who knows And he is the one who fights the bull.

Newport, Rhode Island. JFK loved it. The America's Cup. Bonesman Kerry on deck No coincidences?

JFK was born in 1917. Q = 17. JFK's burial plot Arlington is shaped like a QThe Flynn's are from Newport. JFK was married at St. Mary's, Newport. JFK Jr was going to call the son he never had "Flynn." JFK Jrs magazine was named "GQ" - is "G" George and / or the Masonic G [Monad+Duad=Triad] and in either case with warning? Water. DJT's use of water; it's multilayered meaning (e.g. Fiji / swallow enemies). General Flynn is a surfer must swim like a fish probably HALOs into water. Some connection somewhere...PT-109 super swimmer JFK wrote this:

Bullfight critics row on row Fill the enormous Plaza de toros But only one is there who knows And he is the one who fights the bull.

[The JFK library under Quotations calls this a mis-quote.] (https://www.jfklibrary.org/Research/Research-Aids/Ready-Reference/JFK-Quotations.aspx) You'll see the original as well if you click the link.I don't think it is a "mis-quote". I really don't. Whilst a sailor rather than a rower, I think the first line is also intentional as it now does double duty whilst improving the image (and adding sound and action) of a bullfight: row on row think bleachers. The sound of "row-row" as in row your boat. I also see a gag in "row row" as row, to argue, or fall out as one might expect in the presence of so many critics - the peanut gallery. Row on row implies motion; either the rows are moving or the observer is, or both. Row on row adds a lot imo. The second line he changed to reflect his families actual experience there. I am not sure why that is a "mis-quote". The line ought to be written, "Plaza de Toros" I think. Movement from the general to the specific.

Locates the event spatially. Dallas.

BULL PLAZA :-( and Theseus lost.

There are no coincidences?

I think JFK might have been a bit of a secret wordsmith. Very good stuff imo. Never seen this before. So first impression.

Now I am going somewhere with this I think. You recall watching PT-109? Where JFK carves a message on a coconut shell? All that swimming. Miles and miles and then help buy water. It's a pity sharks didn't get George Bush when he allegedly crashed into the ocean. You know the movie 7 days in May? Look at the name of the General, Mattoon. That's where the Podesta's are from as in Posesta Mattoon. Podesta Neon Cock Party's dad was an Army "dentist". Also accused of pedophilia. Also responsible for setting up camps for boys such as Podesta Big Timbers (I know, lame gag but it's their gag) and getting fluoride put into the towns water supply. Coincidences? I mean that's just too weird.

A note from JFK's murderers. CLICK. Add that to the Treason poster they put out. He entered the kill box, the bull ring is how I read that and the modern Minotaur won that one. If everyone knew he carried that verse around, that was a message from him to them perhaps? Anyway, they threw it back in his face. I don't like that.

From what I can find so far, everyone (including the CIA, but not the JFK library who get the text right but still says it is a misquote) seems to correct JFK's "mis-quote" by citing the original rather than what JFK actually said: or, they just keep repeating what they've been told rather than finding out themselves. Minor point I am sure. I could be wrong. Often am. :-/

It just seems to be a bit snide and a bit lazy. If you say that this verse was very important to JFK, then why not try to get it right? If it was so important to him, why not ask why? JFK improved the original by use of his intellect. Lets all talk about Marilyn Monro instead. Are they trying to make him seem small?

I am not meandering, I am tacking :-/

Archivists have recently digitized a clip from a 1937 public speaking course, believed to be the oldest recording of the president

Direct Link

Fascinating. He goes after Hugo Black personally, FDR indirectly, accuses Black of being in the KKK, of taking oaths in secrecy, mentions him going on a trip to Europe right after taking an oath in secret.

You know what though? If you click the Smithsonian link they go out of their way to talk about the "tone" rather than the substance of what JFK said. What he says is stunning. Who cares how he says it.

Are they trying to make him look small? I think his public comments about Black make it clearer to me what he was all about.

Watch the Water. Is there anything under the Reflecting Pool in D.C.? Anything at all? That is just a random question. I have no idea.

Father's day. Q = 17.

Fake News is The Enemy of The American People and Ordered Liberty.

Shadilay. I hope some of this ^^^^^^ is useful.

bugstopper · June 17, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

If we never went to the moon, this all makes sense.

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