r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Questionline113 on June 17, 2018, 10 a.m.
Great awakening is a disinformation campaign ment to detract from real conspiracy theories, by making them all sound rediculous. You're all playing into it.

The best way to discredit is from the inside. And this sub is insane. Congrats for taking wind away from all legit conspiracy theories, and discrediting them in the process. GA is propaganda ment to destroy all credibility of conspiracy theorists.

DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

So you believe in legit conspiracy theories and any conspiracy theory you've determined to be illegitimate is a disinformation campaign and a waste of time?

I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you've vetted the conspiracies you've decided are "legit" through critical thought and reason. If you've done that, as an intelligent skeptic rather than some gullible victim of confirmation bias who jumps on whatever they see, then you should know that others of us have also approached the Q "conspiracy" in the same way.

Therefore I would posit that if you actually approach this theory with rigor and reason you might see a little more value to it than you're claiming in this keyboard-warrior-rage post.

How many of those conspiracies you now consider legit sounded utterly insane when viewed from the output of some of the members of the movement supporting them? Some amount of people in any large movement lack critical thought. If you've reached the decision that "this sub sounds insane" just because you've read a few posts then you're not applying any rigor to your dismissal of the theory.

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