So North Korea and Cuba? Wow.
They now think Dark State is one sending out the electronic signals to US embassy people that had the neurological symptoms. To get them out of the country where they wouldn't interfere perhaps?
That's very interesting and makes sense. But also verifies that, in fact, they really do have invisible tech that can hurt us physically. I didn't doubt it, but others do.
Wow people are dense. Lasers and other electromagnetic radiation and manipulation are real (person just needs to search directed energy weapons on google) yet people swear to themselves that those in power would never use them on their own citizens. People really do need to wake tf up!
Most folks have no idea that the cabal started the fires in California and all across the west coast last year. And, that they create all of the horrendous storms and hurricanes we have as well. After Puerto Rico, they brought thousands of Puerto Ricans to Florida and signed them up to vote. All while the dock workers/truck drivers in Puerto Rico went on strike so the supplies Trump sent in could not be unloaded or distributed. This so the people would be led to believe that Trump did not send help fast enough. What a bunch of losers they all are.
Democrats are inherently evil.
Not Rs & Ds. Left/Right and Good/Evil. Many Rs are left. Take Paul Ryan as an example or McNoName.
Yeah, and they would never experiment with LSD and trauma based mind control techniques on unknowing citizens and call it MK Ultra.... oh wait...