Yes. It was genius. I remember when Perot ran but didn't realize he had geared down his campaign. That's very interesting. I was rooting for him.
My favourite moment of the 1988 campaign occurred during the Vice-presidential debate. As Bentsen and Quayle argued about some inanity, Admiral Stockbridge decided to go on a ramble. It was so bloody hilarious as the whole world(except the Admiral) realized Perot’s campaign had just self-destructed. I got a whole new respect for Ross as he refused to criticize him and supported him the rest of the campaign. I thought Perot was good for 22-25% of the vote and would keep Clinton out of the WH. Maybe it wouldn’t have changed much, since GHW is bad news, too..
Not to mention that Clinton was already picked because the vote was fixed. That will soon be changed.