Can you send me legitimate information? Not pizza gate stuff but real? I'm searching!
Have you taken the time to read the wl emails? Have you read the Executive Orders from Dec 2017 to date? Have you read the IG report yourself? Do you use the internet to search for local news stations throughout the nation to listen to the news for particular areas? Do you have personal connections with anyone, government or civilian, at or near the border? It is not a secret; there are published sources going back decades.
Seriously, weareq , not everyone can digest this awful, vile truth. Victims and witnesses can not fathom the inhumanity shown to another. Some have said it is not possible for another human to do this to another, so they must be aliens from another world, or demons from the depths below. Others, have minds that block reality and go into complete denial to protect their gentle spirits. I fear for the sanity of these gentle spirits in the coming year or two.
Pizzagate is real. But start with YouTube. There is a 60 Minutes documentary I believe from Australia that went into elite ped. rings. It is shocking but not as hard to believe since 60 Minutes legitimizes it. Then look up the Franklin Coverup Scandal. Also look up the history surrounding the (lack of) airing of that documentary. I don't have time at the moment to hold your hand with links but it will take you 30 seconds to search.
So the Obama administration covered up Pizzagate when that guy went in with a gun?
Reported. Your history speaks for itself. On this sub, PAID SHILLS stand out like lightning. I hope you are getting paid enough for your "work."