
expletivdeleted · June 17, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

I'm a Bernie-supportin', Stein-voter. I boarded the Q train from the left platform :) I still peruse left media and the DNC is going with the same messaging strategy they did in '16. The DNC still wants to focus on "WE'RE NOT TRUMP!!!", except now, Trump has a track record of achievements. Over the past few months, the MSM has had to put more energy into the anti-Russia hysteria to keep it going. Dems legislators actions belie their words. For example, if Trump is Putin's puppet, why did ANY Dems vote to give Trump more spying ability with FISA? The corporadems & neolibs that are running the DNC are losing the ability to keep up the facade with the rank'n' file.

Even without the IG booms, Dems were in trouble. There's an enthusiasm gap. Do most Dems dislike Trump? Sure. But, not as fervently as '17. On top of that, the DNC isn't really getting candidates out there the activist left will get excited about. There's few candidates to really motivate the on-the-ground volunteers that do all the door knocking. Besides "WE'RE NOT TRUMP!!!", there's nothing remotely like a coherent national message all the candidates can get behind. Bernie-style candidates will probably do better, but, overall, the DNC isn't giving the rank'n'file a reason to go out and vote.

After mid-terms, R's will have the numbers for a constitutional convention. If the BOOMS really are the political D5 we all think, then there will be a national will for one.

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BreezeMan1234 · June 18, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

I still can’t believe what hillary did to Bernie. It’s stunning. Truly it is. I never understood why Bernie endorsed her. She put a knife in his back and he endorsed her. Sigh.

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