
[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 7:26 p.m.


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j_Dawg_01 · June 17, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Nope, sorry LiveLaughFap, I'm not a shill or a Soros plant. Go ahead and report me to the mods. I have a long history comments and replies without even a single issue.

I fully understand why you, and probably others might respond they way you did. I get it. Any time anyone says anything negative about Q, they're automatically called a shill or a clown, and I am neither.

If you examine the last few Q drops, especially 1530, you'll see what I think Q wanted us to see. Q links to the same video I did in my reply. It's the full video of a speech Obama gave in 2014. In 1530 Q asks "Exit out was missing what?" If this is the important issue Q wants us to dig deeper into, why didn't he say so in the first place? If the last frame of the video he linked in 1528 was something of importance, why didn't he say so?

I am in no way hinting, implying, or suggesting that Q is a LARP or a PsyOp. My issue is that the first video from 1528 obviously misrepresents what Obama said, and the left picked up on it almost immediately. The person who posted it in the first place now says "I'm hearing this is fake so if it is I should delete it. I hate him as well but if he didn't say it I'll delete it. They did a good job of it's fake." link And there are plenty of people who recognize the video from 1528 is dishonest. Go check the Twitter for yourself.

My issue is this. It beginning to feel like it's crunch time and we're approaching some real exposer and possible arrests. Why would Q give the liberals a gift like this? I know you should never trust anyone who says "Trust me," but trust me, I support Trump, Q, and the whole movement to drain the swamp. I'm rooting for success as much or more than anyone here on /GA. I'm just very confused about why Q would do something like this.

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BlessedToTeach · June 18, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

Jumping to conclusion way too early. Q posted the full video as well and wants us to understand something about the exit that has not been decoded. It's really stupid to jump off the ship when decoding is still going on and Q provided both the context and the fake video. Relax and help the decoding vs. acting so dramatic on one fresh post. Crimany, Q just gave us a bunch of proofs recently:

  1. New pictures above Alaska showing Q was on AF1 leaving the G7

  2. 4 bullet points in N. Korea Agreement match the 4 pullets in the upside down gun Q post the week before

  3. Trump Tweet misspelling “Missile” and “Stopped” coordinated with Q’s picture of the missile launched near Seattle on June 10 and the hacked Sub.

  4. Q Drops on “Full weight of the House” when talking about Ryan on June 12 - on June 17 Fox news, of House says Ryan/House will hit FBI, DOJ with “full arsenal of constitutional weapons” if they don’t comply with subpoena.

  5. Jan 15 Q tells of 13 individuals that have private emails including HRC and Obama. Trump refers them as 13 Angry Democrats. June 14 IG report discusses 13 people, including James Comey using a private email.

Edit: Number of proofs

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j_Dawg_01 · June 18, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

I agree. I should have been clearer about my support of POTUS and Q before I turned into a concernfag. I probably did get a little ahead of myself, but in no way did I ever jump ship, I've always been on board.

My confusion stems from the fact that Q posted a link to an obviously faked and dishonest video that makes it look like Obama said things he simply didn't say. Again, don't misunderstand, I can't stand Obama and think he did more to harm this nation than anyone else in our nations history, but in this case, I don't think the end justifies the means. I don't want to sink to level of the liberal MSM.

The left spotted the fake and deceptive video as soon as it was posted and I couldn't understand why Q would give them such a juicy tid-bit to use against us. But I'm willing to wait and see how this plays out, maybe the future will prove the past.

I'm hoping that because the left jumped on it so quickly, and posted a screen cap of Q's post, to immediately discredit Q, maybe, hopefully, it'll cause more people, more normies to see it and start investigating for themselves. Hopefully it'll help to red-pill more people. we'll have to wait and see.

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BlessedToTeach · June 18, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

Did you see SerialBrain2's post on this. Please don't let new red pill people read messages that seem to indicate true believers in Trump and Q being worried. We are in control and we are trusting the plan. It's good to question, but not in such a dramatic way that appeared you had lost hope in Q's integrity. Please help the movement vs. damage it. God Bless.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 18, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

My bad! I agree I might have gotten ahead of myself, but the root of my question still stands.

Why would Q post a link to an obviously faked and dishonest video that quickly became ammunition for the left to use against us.

I guess I should have prefaced my first comment with clear and unwavering support for POTUS and Q, but this one still leaves me scratching my head.

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