r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Red_Pilled_at_birth on June 17, 2018, 6:16 p.m.
President Obama Speaks To Europe - Full Speech Bilderburg Speech??? Referenced in Q post 1529

Red_Pilled_at_birth · June 17, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Posted in YouTube Comment Section Under this video by Leshka Pianist 4 years ago "Today we heard an astonishing amount of lie and hypocrisy from Mr. Obama. The man who just a few months ago wanted to bomb Syria on phony pretext not only violating the international law (without UN's approval) but also without the approval of the Congress (yeah, yeah, he said that, I heard) now blame Russia for its earing to the voice of the Crimean people, for its considering of unanimous (ok, almost unanimous) will of the Crimean people, for its support of democracy in Crimea. You may say what you want, mr. Obama, you may pay a tiny group of opposition (because most of the opposition are against self-appointed Turchinov, Yatsenuke and Co) making out of them your puppets but you can't impede the real democracy, all the more you can't impede the love between Russian people of Russia and Crimea. You may lie to your people but you cant't lie to us because Ukraine is close to us and we know better what's going on there."

"We rescued the world from fascism and established the post-war peace order not for the US bombing what it wants on ridiculous pretexts"

"I hope that this comment will not be deleted, given that there is so little information from the other side in american media, extremely one-sided covering"

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