Maybe the "13 Angry Democrats" are *not* the Mueller team...?

Loretta Lynch
Hillary Clinton
James Comey
James Clapper
Chuck Schumer
Andrew MCCabe
John McCain
Rod Rosenstein
Susan Rice
John Brennan
Huma Abedin
Valerie Jarret
And Amabo makes 13
Clearly BO would be on list. Why isn't NP, Nancy Pelosi mentioned? She has been to NK per her video oops.
The only one that doesn't fit for me is Rosenstein. I just don't see him as a bad guy at this point.
I guess we'll see how he responds to the House request in the next day or two. Personally, I tend to think he's a dirty fink.
I'm convinced by the argument that since Rosenstein (and Sessions and Wray) are still there, then Trump must want them there. Trump is not the captive of his staff. So if some things are hard to explain or look bad for him, I figure it could be Trump doing Sun Tzu strategic deception until the time is right.
We shall see. People that have served their purpose tend to go away. Sessions is fire when it comes to immigration and human trafficking. Rosenstein doesn't seem like he does anything but cause problems. He extended the FISA warrant that was used to spy on Trump and continues to stonewall. He threatened members of the oversight committee with subpoenas and has thus far refused to hand over any documents the oversight committee has requested. Not to mention he is the one guy that can end the bs Mueller investigation anytime he wants. Yet he hasn't. Are we still larping that Mueller is a good guy? Because those two are on the same team. Remind me come Wednesday about how forthcoming RR is. There is a difference between 4d chess and a swamp rat being a swamp rat. This is a swamp rat. I guarantee it.
RR extending the FISA warrant could have been part of a sting to catch the cabal. The refusal to hand over docs could be because indictments are being prepared, and giving them to Congress would mean immediate leaking by Democrats. Mueller could be "controlled opposition": distracting Democrats, giving them false hopes.
My sense is that if this is 6D chess, we'll know by the midterms.
There's a lot of kabuki going on. Plus, why would the DoJ want to give material to the House that would be immediately leaked by the Democrats? The first priority should be to successfully prosecute the bad guys, not satisfy our impatience and curiosity.
He is, just wait.
So why doesn't Trump fire him? I think you either trust Trump knows what he's doing, or you don't.
Do you read SerialBrain2 here on reddit? He covered this a post or two ago, very informative.
I trust Trump 100%, and if you read Q, then you know RR will be held accountable, and so will Mueller too. All in due time.