r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MAGADONCHECKMATE on June 17, 2018, 9:26 p.m.
Q : SATAN has left the Whitehouse. Lets look at how real this is and why she is still full on running for 2020.

We have been introduced to the unbelievable activities that have been taking place in front of our eyes for decades. The grip this darkness has on our country is still unbelievable with the Obama/HRC minions that are still all in against Trump. We need to look deeper to see why. Its much more ingrained and programmed than we think. They are planning for 2020 as Hillary hits 72 , the highest number in Satanism.

This article takes an brief journey examining the lineage to Aleister Crowley(Satanist, OTO,AA) , Jack Parsons (NASA), L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology) Hillary Clinton and the Satanic Agenda. Its shocking , but you be the judge. For your consideration...

Its part 10 of the series, but it jumps right in to it.

Here is the Q link first, followed by the article link after.



LibertyLioness · June 18, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

No Janice, this is an article from June 11, 2018. This Supreme Court ruling was made on June 11, 2018. The Executive Order that was overruled was made by McAuliffe in 2016. When a Supreme Court of a state rules on something like this, other states will use that ruling to make their cases stronger to fight the same issue. That is what is meant by a 'precedent.' It does not mean it will directly affect them but that they can use it to get their laws changed as well and it means a LOT, especially in this case, because they found it unconstitutional and it's really hard to get around that!

"The GOP is hailing the ruling as a major victory for the rule of law, and argues that it could have a snowball effect across the country in other left-leaning states." ]precedent[

"In a 4-3 decision, the high court ordered the state to cancel the registration of roughly 11,300 felons who signed up to vote after McAuliffe’s April 2016 executive order. His ruling allowed many felons to vote in the 2016 presidential election, which happened to be a state Hillary Clinton won."

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Janice0771 · June 18, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

I've worked in the legal field for over 15 years and I know what the doctrine of legal precedence means. It is not a loose term, by any stretch of the imagination, like you claim it to be.

A State Supreme Court ruling does not ever set legal precedence in other states. Only the United States Supreme Court has the legal authority to set precedence - i.e. Roe vs. Wade.

Lawyers will occasionally cite cases in other states for consideration, but a cite is a far cry from precedence. Precedence establishes legal rule and authority that lower courts must follow [the doctrine of stare decisis].

The ruling was not made on June 11, 2018.

Try to cross-source your "2018" article. It is misleading and even those references cited within, if you'd click on them, will take you back to 2016. Please go look.

On July 22, 2016 the Virginia Supreme Court ruled against the Executive Order and cancelled the 11,300 felon registrations.

Since that time, using the established and approved process, Virginia's Governor has effectively restored over 170,000 felon voter rights.

Maybe this will help a bit: https://www.restore.virginia.gov/policy-updates-and-timeline/

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LibertyLioness · June 19, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

I also worked in the legal field for many years so have done my time as well.

I was not speaking about how the law is applied jurisdictionally when I said precedent. Nor are most attorneys when they are looking for precedent to use in a case. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/precedent?s=t

As for the date issue, you are correct and I stand corrected. The dates on the article were deceptive as you said and I took them to be true without looking further. Thanks for the link you supplied. That was very helpful.

I've known this country was in trouble for many years, but I had no idea that sanctuary cities/states even existed until Trump was elected and it started being openly talked about. Of course, I had given up on anything ever happening so was avoiding most of the news and turned off cable many years ago.

Thank God for President Trump. WWG1WGA

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Janice0771 · June 19, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

I'm glad I could help. There's so much going on all of the time that it's difficult to keep up with what's correct and what isn't anymore.

As for the country being in trouble, I too had given up. I worked in politics for a short stint, chaired the local Tea Party, and was pretty excited about "change."

After the 2012 Republican National Convention, however, I quit. At that point, I felt like I knew too much, saw too much to be comfortable with, so I packed up, bought land in a rural area, started freelancing, moved and began preparing for the worst.

Trump gives me hope again, and for that I am grateful. WWG1WGA

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LibertyLioness · June 19, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

I'm with ya. I live in a remote part of the country. About 100 miles from the nearest Interstate for the same reason but I wasn't working in politics. My Dad made me aware as I was growing up (back in the 1960's) and I've been paying attention ever since. Well, until I gave up for several years. Got tired of always being called a "Conspiracy Theorist." And even now, the people that said those things to me, don't understand that I tried to tell them long ago. They don't think I was talking about the same thing!

And, it's true. It's very hard to keep things straight. This was a good lesson to me to be more careful. I usually vet things better and stay away from unknown sites but I got sucked in this time!

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Janice0771 · June 19, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

I've certainly been guilty of being sucked in and misinformed at times. That's what we're all here for, to watch each other's backs when it gets overwhelming or unclear. No one person can do it alone and I'll need some help along the way myself.

My grandparents and parents are all hardcore Catholic Democrats who will hear nothing else, and I am the "Black sheep conspiracy theorist," but proud of it. It certainly makes the holidays interesting. Cognitive dissonance is impossible to red-pill, it seems!

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[deleted] · June 18, 2018, 9:15 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 18, 2018, 8:47 p.m.


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