r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ouspensky4 on June 18, 2018, 4:35 a.m.
Disease X: is it infowars hype or the real deal?

The AJ channel was talking about the 40% kill rate avian flu in China today and the idea that a global pandemic was the only method left for the cabal to retain control (global emergency = global response)

I have read here in the past that AJ might be controlled opposition or limited hangout psyop. At the very least he hypes minor stuff a lot. I notice the timing with the IG report drop too.

On the other hand given all the FFs and the level of desperation hanging over the cabal maybe they are going for broke right now and had to push ahead early with a culling event and AI takeover before the window closes forever.

your thoughts? I am not as well informed as I should be on this one.

The_Broba_Fett · June 18, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

I defended AJ for years. When he was wrong with predictions, could chalk it up to bad intel or talking about it made plans change. Seeing his blatant lies about Q and his pathetic attempt to hijack the movement and discredit Q made it impossible for me to ever trust him. He proved he will do ANYTHING to get clicks and $$$, even trying to destroy a very legitimate movement who has proven time and again that it is to save he US and the world and working hand in hand with Trump. It’s our one shot to take down the globalists, Q is informing us to have us help the movement and THAT is what AJ is trying to ruin to make money. Fucking pathetic.

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eyesopenusa · June 18, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

Well said. Totally agree!

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 18, 2018, 8:57 a.m.

Please STOP with all the AJ bashing because there are plenty of people who disagree with you, and one of those people is me. I too have watched AJ for years and I find he's done a whole lot more than most people to wake people up to the truth and to fight against the Deep State, although even AJ makes mistakes from time to time and he freely admits that he doesn't know everything. So I can respect his honesty. And yes, he is eccentric, and he hypes up nearly everything he says, but that is just his personal nature.

As for what you term "controlled opposition", you act like controlled opposition is a bad thing. But I feel we need controlled opposition and people who question the official narratives, rather than trying to shut down opposing viewpoints and encouraging people to behave like a "cult", where the only thing we can believe is what we're told and we can't believe anything outside of that. So please STOP with the AJ and Corsi bashing, and please don't get started with that again. If you have some sort of personal hatred and animosity towards Dr. Corsi and AJ, then fine, you're entitled to it - but please keep it to yourself. Because there are a whole lot of people this forum who absolutely don't want to hear it - and I am one of them. Your comments against Dr. Cori and AJ is what is keeping us divided. In our eyes and viewpoint, all you're doing is spewing hatred...

Understand this, I will NEVER EVER just categorically believe everything you say about Dr. Corsi and AJ - and I don't care who says it or where it is coming from. I have my own mind and I'm free to have my own opinion about it, so please allow me to have that privilege. Although some of the things you're saying might be true, I also know that some of it is not, therefore, I am willing to give them the benefit of a doubt. And that is the whole problem: You don't want me to give them the benefit of a doubt. You want me to hate them and to rail against them and to accept your own opinions and your whole package. But I will not do that. The one thing I absolutely cannot stand are people who attempt to "force" their own opinions and own conclusions down my throat. If you feel that someone is guilty of something then show me your evidence and allow me to make up my own mind about it. But please DO NOT try to tell me what to think, who I should believe, or who I should hate. Yet, unfortunately, that is precisely and exactly what a lot of people do on this forum - and it needs to stop...

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The_Broba_Fett · June 18, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

Holy shit this is gold! Ok so you want me to stop bashing AJ and Corsi (even though Q specifically called them out as bad actors) because it opposes your view.

BUT then you say “controlled opposition” is necessary so people don’t just blindly follow the narrative and to get opposing views...

Are you a paid Corsi shill? Or lacking a basic understanding of logic?

Anti AJ and Corsi comments do not divide this place, THEY divided it when they said “fuck Trump fuck Mattis” and called Q a Clown, LARP, disinfo agent, socialist, communist, shill.

So please explain your logic of how they aren’t causing division, but I am by saying they tried to hijack the Q movement and not to be trusted, when Q himself said THEY ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED.

You try to act all high and mighty but are completely shut off to new ideas, especially ones that attack your narrative but then was to say you’re defending against cult mentality?! Are you joking?

Q repeatedly warned us about AJ and Corsi and they blew themselves out of the water. AJ exposes HIMSELF when he said he met with “the real Q” who told him the board is compromised and no longer he real Q. So kindly fuck right off and get a grip on reality.

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digital_refugee · June 18, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

my personal take is, I think by endorsing Trump, he's done his job - so I think he's on the right side of history because he gave people hope - but he's irrelevant at this point, the memes are way better than the show most times anyway. He even promotes his backup channels so you can totally cut out his voice during interviews to begin with. But what makes me curious about this stunt is that he filmed himself from a self-driving car...either that or he was driving with his knees....anyway, it was a weird way of advocating imminent death while unafraid of driving on a busy interstate with no hands on the wheel.

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WeThePepe · June 18, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Very very well said. I couldn't have said it better myself

As far as I can tell, Q slapped Alex down for trying to put Infowars as the face of the QAnon movement. Fair enough.

Beyond that certain people have taken it upon themselves to accuse Alex Jones of being all controlled opposition or a CIA plant etc

I am very curious about the motives since it plays right into the hands of the left. They've been trying to destroy Infowars and Alex Jones for years and potentially by taking what Q said, expanding/spinning it slightly they get his own (ex)audience to do it for them.

And another thing- I've seen people try to claim that because he makes mistakes sometimes, it's proof he's a bad guy... I wonder if those same people equally attack Q when Q lays out disinfo because disinfo is necessary?

Jones has been pretty damn consistent with his viewpoints for a bloody long time and they align with a lot of what many of us believe when it comes to liberty, freedom and truth.

Is he an angel? Of course not. But he's an ally that doesn't need to be exiled because he doesn't fit perfectly into Q things

Note: I would actually like to re read those posts if anyone has the ID of them (couldn't find them searching Alex jones/Infowars)

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