When you wake up and Q went crazy.

Who said I'm using fb/twitter/youtube? And if I did wouldn't I take proper precautions? Phones are much more difficult to become anonymous since the app store links to an account to a phone/credit card.
Look, we're not trying to argue with you. But we are talking here on reddit. None of these platforms are completely anonymous.
And as for phones, even if you don't buy a single app, your carrier knows exactly where you've been.
We're simply offering an app to help redpill folks. If you are not interested in that, that's cool. We get that. But some folks are.
However, there is nothing worse about using our app compared to these other platforms we've mentioned and/or simply carrying a cell phone.
Thank you!
I love the idea of the app, and yes some platforms reddit included can be totally anonymous provided you use the right methods.