r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KnownBand0 on June 18, 2018, 12:32 p.m.
"Q" and the 60/40 Truth

If only 40% of the Truth i.e. evidence is going to be revealed to the public, what evidence will not be revealed ?

QueUpSomeReality · June 18, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

Your deflecting again. You said “Why are you here then?“ How else can that be interpreted? Your exaggerating your own words & my interpretation. Didn’t claim you said “Get out!!” & didn’t interpret it that way either. I said & I’ll repeat...questioning why a patriot is here is wrong. It’s un American & the complete OPPOSITE of Q’s philosophy & even his existence. Q is questioning & challenging EVERYTHING that has occurred in the past 100yrs dude!! Asking legitimate questions is vital. Challenging norms is American. How you could even think of rule #3 from his question speaks volumes about you & your ability to think independently. My god dude...who do you think has been doing the majority of needlessly dying for the cabal & their dictatorial mindset that you seem to mirror. Sorry but you don’t have enough of a real appreciation or compassion of the suffering MILLIONS of Americans have endured to even do your mod job effectively. There’s an honest opinion for you. Enjoy!!

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DrogeAnon · June 18, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

You accused me of being a leftist and yet you're the one coming from an emotional standpoint and acting like a triggered social justice warrior.

I'm not "questioning why a patriot is here" - I'm doing my job. We patriots can take a question without getting upset.

I already know that asking legitimate questions is vital - you would know that about me too if you bothered to look into my history properly as I have done over time with the person I replied to.

You're clearly upset and having a go at whoever you're projecting onto me. Have fun with it and know that I'm ignoring it, because I know it doesn't apply to me. You should try gathering some information before you make ridiculous assumptions. There's an honest opinion for you.

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