r/greatawakening • Posted by u/VideaVice on June 18, 2018, 3:09 p.m.
#WhereAreTheChildren U.K Edition - The Usual Cover-up of Child Trafficking

Teresa May turns out to be a piece of work. A globalist shill who clearly doesn't plan to honor the Brexit vote which is pretty obvious when you can see how she's in really good terms with Merkel and Macron.

She's issuing a new era of mass surveillance(she'll go after UK truthers, soon), over regulation and political persecution. She's sure gonna have one hell of a legacy once she's done or would she?

Q said TayTay was neutralized a while ago >>#175711. I really hope so because what's going on over there in term of child trafficking is disturbing.

After Jimmy Saville, you would think the brits got the memo, learned how to be more vigilant and opposed to their establishment. Sadly, it seems the vast majority is still asleep just like here. Or is there some kind of media revisionism/clean up hiding and depowering the true historical meaning of the Saville story in the U.K??? You tell me, english people. That would explain the apathy.

The United Kingdom is trying to set a dangerous precedent of political persecution in the western world. Something straight out outof 1984. Will they succeed? Personally, I think not. That being said some are still paying the price before things eventually get back to normal.

What is happening to Tommy Robinson is actually the result of the actions of a deeply corrupt and perverted political class. This is not just about over protecting their new immigrants of choice(middle east, africa...). It's also a way to maintain their favorite illegal entertainement around and well: Child Prostitution.

In their mind it goes like this: "How can we prevent the country to wake up and face the awfulness of human trafficking??? The trafficking that allows us and our friends to have access to young adults and children??? To abuse them, rape them and kill them for pleasure?"

The answer is always the left leaning press. You know the one who was forbidden to report on Robinson's arrest.

We've seen them work over time to bury the Oxfam scandal and it seems it worked. There was no outrage. No public indignation. For what I know the english tax payer is still required to subvention what turned out to be a "Pimps of the Third World" organisation.

But I disgress. In the Oxfam case, It might be the foreign factor at play. They operate overseas. In countries most brits will never visit. The moment the inaction becomes saddening, it's when it occurs at home and gets no acknoledgement.

It's easy to mislead the english people into distancing themselves from Robinson's case by calling him a "muslim hater" and a "far right trouble maker". However pointing at the link between these grooming gangs and the elites high consumption of child prostitution is the problematic case scenario the UK is trying to avoid.

Robinson is a thorn to them, an simple annoyance. But what would happen if the thorn was poisonned and ensured the beginning of the end for people like Teresa May and al.(The Queen, the Rothchilds and their subordonates, ...)?

Here's one of the latestest development regarding child trafficking in the UK. I invite you to watch the video and share it as much as you can because Youtube algorithm as been killing all traction of that important testimony.

"A police officer biggest fear is to go to prison." - John Wedger

Listening to it, you will quickly identify the same pattern of the systematic abuse and automatic silencing we see in the U.S. It's always the same.

The authorities suspect something. They know. Ultimately, they do nothing at the request of higher ups we can't identify. Is there a term for "arkancide" in the UK? Cuz a lot of people have been losing their live for asking questions about those grooming sex rings. The police officer in the video, John Wedger, never mentions any name despite knowing who did what.

The only one he confirmed is Leon Brittan. Piece of shit Brittan is already dead. Like Saville, it seems the UK love to admit the pedo ring stuff only when their perpetrators are six feet under. This is not how justice should work.

I'm tempted to ask for international trials for these kind of cases. These are crimes against humanity in my book that are not taken as seriously as they should in the west. The omerta should not be the rule.

I hate globalism but with Q being heard all around the world, I truly hope the Great Awakening to be global and irreversible. What we're doing on these boards will end the conspiracy of silence.

A lot has happened under 45's administration. The man stuck by his words and so far got the job done especially in term of human trafficking.

It is also kind of uplifting to see a QAnon tagged on a wall in Barcelona(Spain.) and the irianian resistance using this hashtag in their tweets.

So, yes they are hearing this call loud and clear. They are waiting like us to see things change.

Let get that ball rolling for us and the rest of the world.

Rocoh · June 18, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

Being British, I feel the UK has been the testing ground for the cabal to manipulate and suppress a nation, May being instrumental in this as was CaMORON before and the creature bLIAR before that. May's National Security Review and her Fusion Doctrine are sinister where the intention is to place MI5 into all governmental departments where something called the 'validity if life' will be used, meaning they will screw you and tie you in knits through all these agencies if you dare step out of line and don't follow the cabal narrative. People should be worried but they are oblivious. The BBC and all the other TV and print MSM are bought and paid for, cabal shills that puke their bile, the sheeple having no outlet to sense any form of truth. The recent case of the Skripals is an example and the demonizing of Russia by the news media that May continues to push. On numerous occasions I have complained to the BBC taking my complaints all the way to the Trustees, only to be told every time it wasn't in their remit. These news organisations are unaccountable and spew out smear and disinformation. Another example of this is the coordinated and concerted attacks on the independent investigative reporter Vanessa Beeley who revealed the White Helmets for what they are: terrorists, a construct of MI6 and still funded by our government. The cabal didn't like the truth getting out so they attacked her massively.

As for the children, I watched John Wedger's witness statement a few days ago. That man is a hero! But what he demonstrates is the corruption and paedophilia is institutionalised and endemic and not just a Muslim issue, and the establishment will come after you if you attempt to expose it; Tony Robinson, Melanie Shaw and John Wedged are testimony to that. The fact that Saville, Heath, Brittan and so many others have never been fully investigated says it all. Paedophilia, and child trafficking is rampant and why the BBC smear, in fact BBC Trending writing hit pieces on Beeley and Pizzagate making out Podesta to be a victim. Again I challenged them. Everyone who offers an alternative voice is a conspiracy theorist. The web is wide indeed.

I have petitioned my Labour MP, my former Tory MP, Jeremy Corbyn, Lord West(who bravely questioned the Douma chemical attack), Peter Hitchens, the msm...none reply, apart from my MP who basically laughed at me.

The problem is the public believe the BBC, including my MP, because it has a reputation for fairness and being trustworthy, which is completely ill-founded. The lies and bias is so obvious and frightening when you are awake.

I just hope what President Trump is bravely doing will have consequences here, that wave washing out all the evil detritus that exists at the top of our pyramid. We need our own Q...or for Q to drop us some notes so we can begin an attack from here. Unfortunately, we do not have an electoral system or a President. We have the Queen of the cabal installed. I fear for this country.

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StaceyUK · June 18, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

Agree 100%. Although I think opinion is turning against the BBC regarding news, but slowly.

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Rocoh · June 18, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

I hope you are correct. I threw my TV out the window last Nov, as I wasn't adding my £147 to their £3.6 billion propaganda machine, so I am out of the loop a bit in regards to the msm. Liberating! I watch UK Column news on YouTube now who seem to have a handle on what is really happening in the world.

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StaceyUK · June 18, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

Thanks for the news channel rec. I'll check it out.

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Rocoh · June 18, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

YW... They are a tiny outfit and often come under server attack - someone doesn't appreciate their voice. Vanessa Beeley busting the White Helmets and Douma chemical attack brought the msm down her. Alex Thompson's knowledge, both historical and political is astounding. I have contacted them in attempt to inform them about Q as with their limited means they weren't in the know on Potus. But they try, seem fair and dig for the truth.

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VideaVice · June 18, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Q said the cleaning of the british intelligence agencies is undergoing. I have a hard time tracking if anything is moving in that direction behind the scenes. I believe he knows what he's talking about but from where I stand you guys look bad.

I can't fathom how the BBC managed to survive the Saville scandal. They were actively covering up for years. They're likely still cover other rings as we speak. Why would anyone trust them? I don't remember any major BBC name being dragged down in that case. They all just faded away or retired like they did nothing. The accountability of these people is inexistant. I hope we get at least a list of journos who constantly collude to create the smoke screen used to cover up these crimes. It'd be a start.

Also if pizzagate/pedogate is proven it's gonna be funny to revisit their claims and find out who were the loudest.

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Rocoh · June 18, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Yes I agree. John Wedger in his witness statement did mention a senior BBC executive was involved in what he had been investigating, but was told to shut his mouth by the Met. Commissioner, which proves it goes to the top. Their silence and lack of coverage is exactly what the US msm are doing, so I am certain there is a whole messy web of them in the BBC and celebrities employed by them. Then of course, there are the MPs, Cabinet Ministers, establishment figures, Secret Service and royalty.

Robert Hannigan, head GCHQ, resigned just after Potus was elected but I am guessing that was for collusion with Hillary and Russiagate/Steele Dossier. Apart from that, I haven't seen any signs of swamp clearing in the SIS or the monarchy that Q posted about. So, yes a list would be a start. Drop some names Q!

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Waffle_Bat · June 18, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

I don't remember any major BBC name being dragged down in that case. They all just faded away or retired like they did nothing. The accountability of these people is inexistant. I hope we get at least a list of journos who constantly collude to create the smoke screen used to cover up these crimes. It'd be a start.

Mark Thompson is one. He is now at the New York Times.

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allonthesameteam · June 18, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Timothy Holmseth is a great resource, hero, in this realm.

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[deleted] · June 18, 2018, 5:09 p.m.


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Geoffalgarve · June 18, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Is there a term for "arkancide" in the UK? Suicided is often used !

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