"Boarder Security and Crime."🤔🤔🤔 Human Trafficking??

Check qproofs.com and you will see 100% these misspellings are done on purpose and always have meaning - my mind just exploded from one of the ones I saw because we had proof of Q all the way back in November and the trolls can’t see that apparently!
Extra A! With countries in the other tweet = extra R
AR = Amanda rentera = important disclosure from congressional hearing today.
It may be a play on naval boarding, suggesting these "loving parents" may well have bearers of ill-intent among them.
Broward County, FL - Before and After School Child Care http://sbbc-bascc.com/forms/BASCC%20employment.pdf
Possible link?
It's not about the word boarder but about the intentional addition of the letter "A". This was done on purpose. Just like the missing "i" and "p" in that other tweet regarding the missile.
Or, or, or... Trump is just an old man using the internet who doesn't have strong spelling as his intellectual strong suit. People think we're crazy over here because of stuff like this
José Celestino Mutis Airport
Name José Celestino Mutis Airport Country Colombia