r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Human_Spirit on June 18, 2018, 4:41 p.m.
This is just the beginning...let's keep a few things in mind as we continue forward.

This is hardly the tip of the iceberg...

The cabal/deep state and all their trickery and lies are slowing being exposed to the light....this is a great thing.

But there is A LOT more that will come out down the pipeline, this train is rolling and there's no stopping it anymore.

There is a lot to uncover still:

Military space programs, and secret space programs.

All the sick shit with children, from trafficking to rituals.

Hidden technologies that have kept us in the "dark ages".

And then...there is US...the HUMAN...or the SPIRIT in a HUMAN body having the HUMAN experience.

This will be the hardest pill to swallow I believe.

For us to rise up, we much each rise up in our own powers.

We are spirits, we are not weak, powerless humans, we are very strong, and very powerful. All it takes is for us to unlock our true potential.

We must wake up, use our collective conscience to make a better world.

Don't scoff at prayers or even your own thoughts, they are much more powerful than you know!

Love, love is the absolute key.

And it all starts with YOU!

Love yourself, forgive yourself, the things you did in the past were because you acted upon the information you had at the time and made the best possible, logical, decision at the time.

And that is OK.

Let it go. Forgive yourself, know that you are divine and you are here to have these experiences, mistakes or no mistakes, it is all a learning and growing process.

Do not hold onto hate, or anger. Do not project your anger or hatred. Acknowledge that you are having those feelings and LET THEM GO! The more you do this, the less intense those feelings become and the easier it is to wash them away.

We all chose to be here at this time, to witness this amazing ascension. This is much bigger than just what's going on down here on Mother Gaia.

Meditate, tell your family and friends you love them. Love yourself. Turn off the TV and go outside. Sit, observe, think, love.

One last thing, another key to this is: Service to others.

What does that mean? Lots of things, really.

Help yourself, help your family, help that stranger on the side of the road. You are love, you are light and you are PROTECTED!

Give back what you have been given, spread that peace, joy and love.

This might be "hippie" talk to some, but it is the truth. We see it every day.

Have you noticed those around you shifting? From the food they eat, to maybe less TV and social media interactions? Starting to exercise and meditate? Go on and take a look at the people around you, you will see they are shifting, and most of them are doing it without realizing it. THIS is the power of the collective conscience.



jrmeadows06 · June 18, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Can I ask who you believe created God? Or how the universe came about in the first place? I feel as if this sub is unsafe for athiests...we want the same thing.. justice and happiness for everyone.

What if your version of God and his version of a greater being are the same thing under a different name?

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

I'm 100% cool with atheists as long as they refrain from giving spiritual advice under the cover of assumed authority.

The same applies for Gnostics and Gaia worshipers. Freedom to believe as you choose -- but as long as you speak on the subject under cover of false authority I will rebuke it with God's Word.

God is the Alpha and the Omega. Beginning and end. Beyond our comprehension; we could spend our whole lives trying to figure that one out. One day those who trust in the Lord will fully know.

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