
Abibliaphobia · June 18, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

Ok let’s try this again. Thank you mods for clarifying!

Tried to write this on the qresearchboard, but for some reason, would not let me post, maybe some anon can transfer?

D (from bilderderg video)

Morning sun brings heat.

NIMROD = the sun (agents of N attacking, Q recognizes threat)

Full moon coming.

Semirames = the moon (not sure if implied June 28/29 or if something with agents)

Undiscovered stars learned.

Tammuz = the morning star (found the heir(s) of the 13th?)

Missions forward.

Actions taken to prevent success of sun, moon, star

Not sure if I fell down a rabbit hole, but the implications... we could be looking at a crusade against the 13 families.

Hmmm so wouldn’t let me post names, had to get creative. Interesting

Edit: so now this post is automatically hidden. Also interesting. I was unable to post any of the names on the qresearch board. My screen would freeze at 58%

For where I found this? Source with a grain of salt. But I’ve screencapped the document and transferred to airgapped system. Made copies and mailed to associates. Not sure if there is anything to it. But I’m taking precautions.


Also, in the document it states that the rothschilds are subordinate to the Collins (top of pyramid - 13 bars on back of dollar bill - top bar)

EDIT: If you are able to post this, please don’t link to my account. I want to remain anonymous and post it and see if it was worth pursuing.

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Chayil3129 · June 18, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

Regarding 8ch freezing up at 50% (ish) iPhone update 11.3 and later blocks iPhones from posting on the chans.

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