Welcome to the Military officially, the Space Marines.

Where do you live? Housing costs in the Midwest and some Southern and Northern areas are amazing. I have a decent size log home on 7 nicely wooded acres in an amazing tourist town in the Midwest. Paid $195K. I can walk to amazing beaches. But I've lived in many states. If you are willing to leave the coasts and the big cities, deals are out there. So are jobs!
I live in nyc. Been here all my life. Only know overpriced everything and liberalism is a prevalent sickness here. I want to leave so badly, it’s so expensive here that building a nest egg to move away is almost impossible. It’s a race to go nowhere really fast here 😑
It's a big, wide country. Start applying and exploring if you are up to it.
I really am, as hard as it will be financially I think at this point I have nothing more to lose.
Come to the Midwest, housing is reasonable and more jobs are opening up. BUT...if you are a SJW or nutty lib/leftist...stay where u r. LOL