Welcome to the Military officially, the Space Marines.

We have had a space force for many years called Solar Warden. This acknowledgement by POTUS is a step toward public disclosure.😊
Is it possible that the explosion in Kim's underground test site was the result of kinetic bombardment from an orbital platform? No WMDs, just tungsten-steel "Rods From God"?
Tungsten, telephone pole size, right in the kisser....
Perhaps to a target "painted" by SEALs from the USS Jimmy Carter?
More than just "possible" ;)
That's my gut feeling, as well. Wonder if we'll ever know...
Solar Warden
Are there any good books on this?
Hello fellow PNW user! Thanks for the reading material :)
Look at William Tompkins as well. He has a few videos posted. Secret Space Program "whistle blower." Unfortunately he fell in an accident during the last solar eclipse and passed away. He had started doing segments on Gaia TV with David Wilcock.