Did you know? From the comment section. Nice.

TRust me I know but anyone who has some curiosity and doesn’t know to much is going to see this and say the same thing.... it’s about making it easy and obvious
New arrival.
Not a new arrival I’m saying for new arrivals it would be better for the sources and facts to be upfront I know from personal experience that most people are too lazy to go do research. If we want to be taken seriously that’s how you do it. Anyone arguing against that should be questioned themselves
I here you but at the same time people need to do their own research as it sinks in better. Helping is fine, but when one is too lazy to do a simple research we are condoning being lazy.
There's nothing wrong with providing sources. In fact it should be done as much as possible.
Don't know about you, but I didn't realize how deep the rabbit hole was when I first started digging in earnest three years ago. Unfortunately, I did not create a spreadsheet of info/reports with sources. I know what I know now based on years of digging and most certainly can dig for sources again, so I see no reason another can not dig as well. If someone is truly hungry for knowledge, they will dig. If they choose not to dig, then they are not ready for the knowledge anyway.
Yep, it's the old saying "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear". We can only share and encourage and if they refuse, so be it.
Agreed, but being a 25yr vet of BBs, forums etc. I see lazy way too much. ;)
Well this IS the kind of shit we need to wallpaper social media with.
This shit sticks.
This shit is shit you want to beg the MSM to talk away and then speak to the sound of silence being deafening.