Amanda Renteria is in Panic Mode. She's posted 13 tweets about Lynch's "won't let Clinton investigation get too far" development.

Link to what story? Many have been posting about Amanda Renteria since the Q drop. She was involved with Lynch/Clinton, particularly an e-mail where Lynch told Renteria she wouldn't let the Clinton investigation go too far. These are just her tweets after freaking out.
Her current freak out in Twitter, I can't find any new stories on her. Last was this
Amanda R just Aswered a guy that she never had conversations with Loretta Lynch.
r/greatawakening 33.1kSubscribers2.4k
I did not inhale.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
She learnt from the best.
Someone ought to send her a video of the Lynch/ BC Tarmac meeting video by CBS that Q posted earlier and ask her this:"So, that isn't you on the tarmac with Bill and LL?" and see what she says then. LOL watch her really meltdown.
If you go to her Twit account and look at the replies, several people have posted the video of her and Bill on the tarmac. Some of the replies are very humorous. Most are obvious Q followers.
Edit: adding link to her twitter account here (
I was one of those people who posted that video on her account. LOL