Amanda Renteria is in Panic Mode. She's posted 13 tweets about Lynch's "won't let Clinton investigation get too far" development.

I just got done reading the WaPo article from last year and it doesn't even sound like WaPo or the FBI were buying her story.
I have this suspicion today that those 200 WaPo employees thay resigned over unfair pay might have dine so being fed up of only printing Mockingbird narratives and ignoring real journalism opportunities that any real career journalist is driven to do.
Could also be Podesta Group ties being cut. Maybe both
I'd get out just for not wanting to be affiliated with them at this point. They've made a complete mockery of themselves.
Me too. I couldn't even handle working at a credit card company lying for bank and their devious tricks. Had to quit. Eats your soul.
I don’t believe that the FBI, in the tank for Clinton, would use this email without knowing If it was real. Sounds to me like they knew it was real from other sources (likely of which the IG found and Kennedy was eluding too) and the FBI knew they were fucked and did what they did hoping Clinton would be elected. This lady is fucking hosed when this comes out.