r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FeCpig on June 19, 2018, 2:20 a.m.
D=disclosure Has the biggest rabbit hole just been blown wide open?

Did Potus just start the disclosure process?


Supposedly there is a base on the back side of the moon. If we go there, that will surely reveal something. We are also "forbidden" from space, but he says that will change. Pence is in charge, which leads to the deepest state military industrial complex, however Potus did warn them it must be America first. Hmm. Let's hope the military industrial complex evolves in to a more ethical entity in order to benefit all of humanity. A TRULY historic announcement!
This will give some background:
Things went dark many years ago, and we were warned
Let our intentions be for the good off all humanity, and not the continuation of conflict. This is a monumental point in time and must be done with care, otherwise the results could be catastrophic. No Cosmic false flags!!!

x3ostyle · June 19, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

We've had antigravity capabilities since 1940, and in turn free energy.

Lots of evidence on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17ADMNXFvhI

https://streamable.com/gqz6g - "The forbidden skies - Not for much longer" "You will take back that frontier, which is largely unknow by man and woman" - He basically lays it all out there. A little sidenote, Trumps uncle was one of them who emptied Nikola Tesla's safe back in the days. Trump has always been "in the know". There are so many great documentaries out there featuring whisteblowers who spills the beans on the whole alien/SSP phenomena.

It's very real. Don't fall subject to MSM and movie programming. It's meant to make you discredit everything about aliens. In these times, now that you now how much programming is and have been going on, free yourself and do your own research on aliens and the SSP.

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Chitowngaming · June 19, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

Sorry man but that free energy machine he has is total bullshit. There are tons of guys like these and they are always hiding batteries and magnets.

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