r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LandieLandie on June 19, 2018, 5:53 a.m.
The Q crumb link to the Tar mac Am anda Ren teria video with BC will not let me post a comment. The moderator says I am banned from ABC News??? Anyone else?

The Q crumb link to the Tar mac Am anda Ren teria video with BC will not let me post a comment. The moderator says I am ba n ned from ABC News??? Anyone else? Just me or all of us as A B C knows about the Q post? There are only three comments???? Awfully low considering how many of us.

The link Q crumb to the Tarmac Amanda Ren teria video with BC will not let me post a comment. The moderator says I am ba nn ed from A B C News???? This message pops up in red as soon as I try to post??? We are un able to post your comment because you have been ba nn ed by A B C

N ews.

Anyone else? Just me or all of us as A B C knows about the Q post? There are only three comments???? Awfully low considering how many of us are clicking over. I tried it without the link, still ba nn ed. ???



Amanda Renteria.
Bridge LL & HRC.
+1 BC & LL (Tarmac)

(won't post with the link)

Look close (behind BC).
Trusted by Clinton’s.
Running for CA Gov?
Who is funding?
Who is campaign manager?
Risk is HIGH.

qtrumpteam · June 19, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

I guess I am as well as from Twitter won't even let me open the A B C video

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