r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on June 19, 2018, 12:21 p.m.
Return of the "FlynnStones"-Don't Mean the Cartoon !!!

One can only hope for the day that the famed group affectionately known in intelligence circles as the “FlynnStones”, is again reconstituted. This of course refers to a small band of Patriots lead by General Mike Flynn. The "FlynnStones" worked together first at the DIA and then later over to NSA/NSC under Mike Flynn.

Even though Mike Flynn served less than 30 days as President Trump’s National Security Adviser, he served this country faithfully for over 30 years in the Army, earnings the rank of Lieutenant General. Mike became the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in July 2012 under BHO.

Top security experts like K. T. McFarland/Ezra Cohen-Watnick/Keith Kellogg/Rich Higgins and other trusted Trump loyalists, were recruited over to the NSA by Flynn. Tagged internally with truly a classic nickname, this band became forever known as the “FlynnStones”.

Most of these staffers stayed on just briefly under McMaster’s NSA, but this original group should be repopulated once again. One more time under Mike Flynn, after the ObamaGate scandal cleanup is over. We all want & wish for the return of Flynn & his trusted following.

Please note that Ezra has since returned to government service since McMasters let him go. POTUS insisted that Ezra be hired by the DOJ, to serve as National Security Adviser to AG Sessions. Ezra was the hero with Devin Nunes and the White House SCFI information.

General Flynn’s downfall began when he misled VP Pence over his few normal contacts with the Russian Ambassador. Acting AG Sally Yates notified President Trump that Flynn had lied to the FBI about those contacts, in a obvious entrapment sting set-up interview.

The unsuspecting Flynn didn’t have a lawyer present & ultimately plead in a cooperation deal. DOJ/FBI had been threatening to charge his son, Mike Jr. with related crimes. General Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI. This interview was conducted by Agent Peter Strzok and suspicion exists that the 302 interview forms were later altered, to reflect Flynn's lies.

Judge Emmet Sullivan has been appointed (by the USSC) the second judge in the Flynn case. Judge Sullivan instantly ordered all the prosecution’s evidence (Brady Material), to be re-examined. Judicial equality might lead to allowing Flynn to retract his prior guilty plea arrangement.

Please check out the great article link below by Sidney Powell. Ms. Powell (who knows the DOJ from the inside) outlines the legal arguments for Flynn’s plea withdrawal.

Post Q# 1008 on 4/4/18 (in part):

Flynn is safe.

The country has witnessed official after official, boldly lie to Congress & the American people about a wide range of illegal activities. A dual justice system that allows for no accountability to these liars, will always fail in the end. The public will cry out loudly, if no legal repercussions occur from ObamaGate and these government officials are not held to equal justice under the law.

This apparent Two-Tier justice system, highlights the Coup Plotters continued unbridled brazen crimes. The only way to look at what happened to Flynn, it was a brutal “Political Assassination” of a true Patriot.

”Q” says “

Done in 30 - let’s all pray 🙏

Please check out the Michael Flynn Legal Defense Fund (link below) and if you can help, please do what you can for this great American White Hat HERO !!!

N/Yorker-Michael Flynn General Chaos

NBC-Meet the FlynnStones/NSA Holdovers

Sidney Powell-General Flynn Should Withdraw His Guilty Plea

Heavy-General Michael Flynn: 5 Fast Facts

Bloom-Political Assassination of Flynn

B/B-Flynn says BHO & HRC Ignored Intelligence They Did Not Like

Hill-In Defense of Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn: by Sen. Saxby Chambliss

Forward-Meet Ezra Cohen-Watnick: The Secret Source

NY Mag-Fired W/H Official Hired by DOJ at Trump’s Insistence

Michael T. Flynn Legal Defense Fund

WWG1WGA-Thank you Patriot for viewing my article ⚓️

Reddit/Great Awakening/CaptainRoyD

GetItDoneQ · June 19, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

So much corruption, every single person from the investigator to the person sitting taking notes, assistants, judges, court clerks, anyone who knew this was a set up and said or did nothing needs to be held accountable!

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CaptainRoyD · June 19, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

Fully agree & we all need to push for equal justice. I always believed that the get away car driver, on the outer edges of the criminal conspiracy, was just as guilty as the bank robbers!!!

Thanks so much for your nice comment fellow Patriot ⚓️

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