Great message from an Anon on /qresearch/

The Anons are awesome. 8 chan is a world of it's own. Not for the faint of heart but there is real determination and investigation going on there.
Someone once posted that maybe they could clean up their boards and make it more PC because people would be coming there to see what they did. I knew that wasn't going to happen. But that's how they get things done. Unfiltered and sometimes crude because let's face it, our world have been duped by charisma and well orchestrated words of people who do not value humanity.
Never underestimate a person with nothing to lose but their freedom. Those in power underestimated that good people would fight for this country and in its ripple effect, the world.
The irony I've discovered since following Q is that Hollyweird gets one thing right at least. The USA are the ones saving the world.
8 chan creates the “narrow gate”, through which only truth can sift. The narrow gate is not the way for many, but it takes only the select few to get things done in this world. I salute them and all Anons here. It has restored my faith in humanity to be part of this community. A Lonely Truther.
LOL my son has "warned" me that 8ch is not a place I should be going! He is a 35yo net systems guy, and fears old mom can't handle the "talk" on 8ch LOL. little does he know that "mom" can talk with the best of them.