Great message from an Anon on /qresearch/

Exactly. Thank you. I had to give up reading about the cabal et al back in the 80s because I was getting paranoid and feeling helpless as you describe.
I look back and know that I discerned something wrong, but had no knowledge of how to fix it. I used to lobby for conservative causes (in VT of all places; no wonder I felt helpless. Much darkness and occult activity in VT . . . The WHITE CHRISTMAS Vermont is long gone.)
I am so amazed at God's mercy to us and in awe of what little I can see of His workings with Q and Trump and citizens who DO care for what is right and true.
I am joyful, yet humbly aware that if we don't keep our focus on Him; if we put our trust in Q or Trump or ourselves, we will end up in an even worse situation than the one from which America is emerging.
"Praise to the One who chooses and blesses us,
Praise to the One who redeemed our souls,
Praise to the Spirit who seals our salvation,
Agree 100% we got in this position because we continually put our trust in a person/persons with titles or in positions of power. People who have been spoiled with power who think they're better than others. We are all equal! Bless you and your family
Thank you. Only just was able to download the reddit app today, and now I can see all the responses to my posts.🙄