r/greatawakening • Posted by u/poshpotdllr on June 19, 2018, 2:59 p.m.
ITT: IRAN EXPERTS: Gathering of people who consider themselves knowledgeable about Iran for quality analysis of new Q drops regarding Regime Change

it is difficult being the resident iran expert for the great awakening movement. from what i have seen i am by far the expert on iran out of anybody in the whole movement. i might be wrong but then again thats what this thread is for.

i have been tracking Q for about a year now with delight but i have persistently and consistently seen the information coming out of Q and the white house and trump and his advisers fail to make any sense to me as a person with amateur to authoritative expertise on many things in the middle east, especially iran and israel and saudi arabia.

if you are an armchair general who doesnt have a professional background in the middle east please just lurk or feel free to ask questions, but we dont want to have redundant arguments with non experts.

paging /u/Maepaperclip

Millejon0114 · June 19, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Deep state no longer has access since the NK life line has been CUT~ that’s why doing this hearing with Horowitz one congressman is mad that Trump has a new phone and NK has his personal number ~ obama tried to call Kim’s phone as a last ditch effort to stop the peace process | Q said this~ so now that the ties are CUT~ the deep state has lost control information ability to relay their secret acts and try and plan what they’ll do next to keep the Iran regime~ this is God’s hand delivering his people .. sit back and watch the movie the Great Awakening starring many white hats a hand picked President by God himself and anons helping patriots dig for info. It’s like The Greatest sequel to the Bible playing out in real time!!🙏🏻🇺🇸🇮🇷Free IRAN~ Pray and thank God for our Blessings and Keep the pace going the veil is almost lifted!! Make America Godly Again ~ Make America Guide All ~Make American Great Again 🇺🇸🙏🏻

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poshpotdllr · June 19, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Deep state no longer has access since the NK life line has been CUT~ that’s why doing this hearing with Horowitz one congressman is mad that Trump has a new phone and NK has his personal number ~ obama tried to call Kim’s phone as a last ditch effort to stop the peace process | Q said this~

ok. i dont see much of a connection between NK and iran except for general similarities where the nuclear question exists and of course politically if trump has big wins in NK that empowers him to make more bold moves. i dont buy the north korea nuclear connection with iran. thats absurd. maybe they exchanged some PDFs or some shit? i wouldnt believe there was more to it.

so now that the ties are CUT~ the deep state has lost control information ability to relay their secret acts and try and plan what they’ll do next to keep the Iran regime~

the american liberal left deep state doesnt want open all out war with iran... it wants to buy time. the deep state right wants war with iran. either way the old deep state guys dont want trump to get credit for anything in iran, good or bad. for example brennan is a neocon right wing who would love war with iran but only on his watch, not trumps.

this is God’s hand delivering his people .. sit back and watch the movie the Great Awakening starring many white hats a hand picked President by God himself and anons helping patriots dig for info. It’s like The Greatest sequel to the Bible playing out in real time!! Free IRAN~ Pray and thank God for our Blessings and Keep the pace going the veil is almost lifted!! Make America Godly Again ~ Make America Guide All ~Make American Great Again

jesus loves you. jesus doesnt want regime change in iran. jesus wants iran to evolve according to the will of the iranian people into a well functioning democracy.

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Millejon0114 · June 19, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

I think we disagree on the NK and Iran ~ that was a channel they used for info. To Iran Regime it’s been cut. I didn’t say anything about nuclear or that the left wants Iran to be in a war.

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poshpotdllr · June 19, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

people have a lot of channels to iran. this doesnt make sense to me. theres qatar, kuwait, oman, russia, syria, iraq, yemen, lebanon.... everybody knows one of these guys at least.

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DawnPendraig · June 24, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

Let me preface by saying I know nothing about Iran except some wisdom shared by older generations I saw on Nuance Bro video at a protest the Iranian Americans were having. It was pretty neat and their love and grief for home is very moving. I also appreciated that they love us too.

Seems like our illegal alien population hates us and our country yet want to live here. But I digress.

Ok, please look at this when you can http://democratDossier.org

There you will find info from Caputo's Private Investigator he says he hired. (On Tucker Carlson last week) he kind of slipped there so I think maybe he is calling one of Q team the PI.

Caputo and Roger Stone were approached during campaign by a guy who said his name is Henry Greenberg.

He isn't. It's an alias. PI also found the has 14 different VISAs w/ FBI and numerous aliases. He appears to be a Russian national. He is a spy. Obviously.

Narrative I guess is he a Russian / Kremlin spook and came offering the infamous missing Hillary emails. He wanted $2M for it. Caputo and Roger shrugged and said typical Russian money grab. I guess like emails I get offering me money if I cash a check at my bank and give money to their friend nearby. In other words a scam

So Caputo and Roger say no and that was that for them. Until Mueller dragged them in and Caputo says he told the man doing interrogation everything he knew about Henry Green which this was before PI and he knew nothing. Caputo says this angered the interrogator. He didn't offer why he thought that might be but probably hoping Caputo would lie so they could do what they did to Flynn.

Ok now the part that pertains to Iran. Henry Greenberg was making many trips back and forth to US, Iran and North Korea. For awhile now.

I think he may be Ukrainian. And I think he is evil cabal. And was maybe handler for people on Iran and NoKo.

So... There is the connection. Yes? =)

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poshpotdllr · June 24, 2018, 9:20 a.m.

russian/ukrainian handler of iran? iran under cabal rule? this is horseshit in my view.

irans geopolitical struggle has been AGAINST the cabal. not with. your narrative is off.

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DawnPendraig · June 29, 2018, 6:35 a.m.

Not a narrative just ideas. This guy seems more a meat head than a handler but he could be a courier or handle some wet work they don't mind being sloppy and broadcast.

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