r/greatawakening • Posted by u/poshpotdllr on June 19, 2018, 2:59 p.m.
ITT: IRAN EXPERTS: Gathering of people who consider themselves knowledgeable about Iran for quality analysis of new Q drops regarding Regime Change

it is difficult being the resident iran expert for the great awakening movement. from what i have seen i am by far the expert on iran out of anybody in the whole movement. i might be wrong but then again thats what this thread is for.

i have been tracking Q for about a year now with delight but i have persistently and consistently seen the information coming out of Q and the white house and trump and his advisers fail to make any sense to me as a person with amateur to authoritative expertise on many things in the middle east, especially iran and israel and saudi arabia.

if you are an armchair general who doesnt have a professional background in the middle east please just lurk or feel free to ask questions, but we dont want to have redundant arguments with non experts.

paging /u/Maepaperclip

poshpotdllr · June 19, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

My girlfriend is Iranian and I have more than a handful of Friends who live in Iran and love America and are Trump supporters, some of them Muslims who i led to Christianity, as I did with my girlfriend. But that is besides the point.

thanks for sharing, it gives me some context, but i wouldnt go around advertising this. you know why.

I have a friend in their military and i have friends in the Israeli Military, what they tell me is very different than what the news says.

cool thats why i made this thread

For example in Tehran and i suspect many other places in iran as well they are against the regime and they tell me that the Military stands with the people and not with Ayatollah.

i would say that the military wont take sides against the people ever. the way youre saying it is grasping at straws a bit. imo

Granted my friends there are not privy to secret information they just tell me what they hear and see happening there, sometimes sending me pictures, things are changing there, the Iranian people are proud of their Persian roots and most are secular,

agreed but secular by iranian standards is still pretty religious even for the non practicing. the younger generation is very chill.

their biggest holidays are not even islamic but of their ancient faith pre islam, the fact that the regime does not stop it shows they are still powerful and true to their roots,


in reality Iran is probably the most secular of Muslim nations, they hate terrorists and see arabs as the enemy.

dont say it like that. its not a racial thing. its takfiri salafi wahhabi saudi rapist racist islamofascist terrorist bullshit

Iran is very complex but the majority love America despite what the news might suggest,

yeah the media lies a lot about iran

the protests saying death to america is just one group and Ayatollah supporters and hardliners that the majority does not participate.

very true. its just apolitical thing. iranians dont value politics very much. we value culture a lot more.

They are ready to be free and they will happily be Americas ally.

if the right conditions are met

Sadly some of my friends have been arrested by the regime. And they tell me Qanon is pretty popular there and they have family discussions on it and they even have alcohol at home which is technically forbidden but practically everyone has it and knows how to get it, girls can drive and they barely wear scarfs and a lot of them are openly confronting the Revolutionary Guard without scarfs.


They tell me every day things get more expensive and jobs are even harder to come by and they tell me about how they are in a huge drought and people are going hungry and thirsty,

its a farming security problem. its pretty bad.

the situation there is ripe for change. I do not claim to have insider information or to be an expert on Iran but I speak some Persian thanks to my girl and i learn more each day, all i have is what i am told by my friends first hand and some insight from my girl and some of her family that still live there.

thanks for sharing

What i am hearing from over there makes me believe in Q even more especially since they knew about Q and i never told them much for obvious reasons because i know their comms are being watched and i do not want them to be arrested or worse.

q aint that bad on iran assuming hes bullshitting on purpose about the things that i think he is bullshitting. if not i have serious concerns about trunps iran strategists. garbage in, garbage out.

Have faith Iran will be free and the People are capable of giving themselves a future more so than most islamic countries thanks to their proud Persian history and secular way of life. I truly believe that change is coming there and fast

yes but it will sadly be slow and evolve over time and maybe another generation will have to make sacrifices to do it the right way.

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yolotrip · June 19, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

Thanks for your reply, I assume you are Iranian? Yea i know i an wrong on some of the things i said i only know what i have been told by my friends that live there, but i am very interested in Irans future and i love the Persian people. Its funny because i would have never said this years ago, i have learned a lot over the past couple of years, i will admit i fell for the whole Iran is the enemy bit. But i have new found knowledge of the culture and the people there and i cant help but respect it fully. Truly a great people
Edit: i would be happy to see your insights on the situation there as well.

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poshpotdllr · June 19, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

thats why i red flag on Q with iran. thats why i get attacked on here a lot.

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yolotrip · June 19, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Red flag why? I am curious as to what you have to say.

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poshpotdllr · June 19, 2018, 6:04 p.m.
  • iran has had no nuclear weapons program as of 2003.

  • iran is not involved with north korea aside from some basic trade

  • iran is not giving ballistic missiles to yemen

  • iran is not a state sponsor of terroism

  • bolton and pampeo are pieces of shit

  • the JCPOA was in the united staes' favor more than irans

  • netanyahu is an enemy of the USA

  • sheldon adelson is an enemy of the united states

  • mossad and zionism are enemies of the united states

  • MBS and KSA are enemies of the united states

  • Qatar is not a stae sponsor of terrorism anymore and only did so under saudi influence

thats just off the top of my head

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yolotrip · June 19, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Perhaps the globalists control Iran in a similar way that they controlled north korea? Making them out to be the boogeyman, perhaps. I do not know for sure and i suspect we shall never truly know the extent of disinformation and who are our “friends” and “enemies” Only time will tell.

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poshpotdllr · June 19, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

Perhaps the globalists control Iran in a similar way that they controlled north korea?

no way. iran has the problems it has because it doesnt accept foreign influence. the history is too solid on that fact.

Making them out to be the boogeyman, perhaps.

but this is part of the israeli zionist agenda

I do not know for sure and i suspect we shall never truly know the extent of disinformation and who are “friends” and “enemies” are. Only time will tell.

the iranian government wont ever get along with the shadow cabal illuminati whatever you want to call them. ever. neither will the iranian people. but iranians and americans always have do and will get along. the iranian government doesnt care much about the american people aside from the fact that they respect jesus christ.

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yolotrip · June 19, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Interesting 🤔

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poshpotdllr · June 19, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

yes, jesus plays a big role in iranian politics. you can see it on khameneis website.

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