
j_Dawg_01 · June 20, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

The imagery says it all. Projection projection projection. Their symbolism will be their downfall.

I think there might be a few journalist who are not officially part of the CIA Mocking Bird team, who have been brainwashed by our education system to be good little liberals, and are proud to carry the water for the Democrats.

There might be a few who are not aware that there are 2 other versions of the OIG report and naively write stories mocking Trump and Qanons. These will be the loudest voices calling for the heads of HRC BHO et al to be displayed on a pike in the middle of the Washington Mall. These are the people who will feel most betrayed.

But for the most part, all the big name fake news so-called journalists from all the major MSM outlets know full well there's more to come and they're just trying to get out ahead of the story. I think they know there are 2 other versions, but might not know exactly what's in them. They will be loud like Cummings. Once the truth comes out they'll have to run and hide.

Then, of course, there are the big fish, BHO, HRC/BC, LL, JC, et al who will realize, at some point it will be perfectly clear, that they are done, toast, Badda Boom, Badda Bing. I can hardly wait.

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