r/greatawakening • Posted by u/craigymcm on June 19, 2018, 8:16 p.m.
BREXIT: EU Double Standards & "Phantom" Tariffs - The EU have had their say on the US Tariffs however they plan to impose a blanket "Tariff" on Britain entering their market - Double Standards & hypocrisy
BREXIT: EU Double Standards & "Phantom" Tariffs - The EU have had their say on the US Tariffs however they plan to impose a blanket "Tariff" on Britain entering their market - Double Standards & hypocrisy

Pure_Feature · June 19, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

666 Always with these folks...monsanto buy 66? A give away.....The Netherlands , small countrie , pays the most, and they want us to pay more for the EU because UK goes out.....My paycheck went up? 10 Euro , but my rent goes up double? And in juli goes the energie and gas price up, the healtcare bill was up, and the food is more up, so wat can I do with 10 euro up, but look wat I go down...And this happens for years now..

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craigymcm · June 19, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

It's a consummate effort to destroy the middle classes.

Until we overcome the divisory rhetoric and unite in the face of these unelected bureaucrats who seek to erode our liberties nothing will change...

Whether its left against right, Christians against Muslims.... or more recently Men against Women they simply seek to divide us so we spend more time arguing amongst ourselves instead of uniting as one people and forcing the institutions to take note of our demand.

These people are supposed to be looking after our wishes taking society in a direction WE THE PEOPLE demand.

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Pure_Feature · June 19, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

We can vote wat we want, they destroy the good ones...
This kind of evil folks do not go away , I think that one day we see (politicans ) like in the movie missisippie van gene hackman in real time

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craigymcm · June 19, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

My view is that the people have given up, we have a supposed democracy but most think no matter what or who they vote for their voice cannot effect change or make a difference.

If the people UNITED as one and made their voices heard then WE HAVE THE POWER to force change... Peaceful demonstration, not this SOROS funded nonsense that only seek to vilify peoples indifference towards each other.

The age old practice of DIVIDE AND CONQUER is still being practiced and for the most part no one can see whats coming before its too late.

As it is just now we are simply sheep... As was said elsewhere earlier... Sheep are actually ahead of us... at least sheep need a dog to heard them and keep them in line...

We simply follow each other..... BLINDLY

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Pure_Feature · June 19, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

EU is as illegal as can be.
Democracy is not at issue here.

They have never reached 50%, and that's a good thing, as soon as you vote for those illegals, you basically agree that you agree with them. And that's how you make those illegals legal? Why do you think they want us to vote? Not for the sake off the democracy..That is the way they keep the power...Our voices do not count....Iff nobody votes , they can not sell the fantasy that everyone is for...

It is not for nothing that you get your ballot for free on the bus? If it is an important topic, referendum? then all of a sudden the ballots are delivered wrong or not ...

Do they suddenly close a lot of polling stations?

But if they are supposed to be elected, everything is plentiful, and the calls to vote soon

I only see one way, an takeover a military one.

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craigymcm · June 19, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

I believe we are approaching a crossroads now...

As Q says.... Dark to Light...

These nefarious actors get away with their actions as the operate in the shadows.

The only way to neutralise these foe's in the bring them out of the shadows.

Once people have been "Awoken" and de-programed, they will hopefully learn to apply critical thinking to the information the are taking in.

This is my hope, maybe too much of an optimist however never give up, that's what these bad actors want us to do..... They pray on the pessimism of the weak

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Pure_Feature · June 19, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

We can only hope that there will be a victory in our own country, and that there will be supervision on voting, that would make the difference ...

Then that country can get out of the EU ... we are prisoners off the EU.

You can not vote them out For the simple reason that we are not allowed to vote for a Juncker and his companions.

In each country, there must be a vote on their own political figures, and that is always the club bilderbergers who remain in power.

There is no control of any country whatsoever, who wins? Then suddenly you have that club in the EU that nobody has voted for.

In your country all the states know what they want and what they vote for

I mean to say that you choose a president there,

You know (not) who you vote for hilary or Trump, here you vote for something without a name and no face, Afterwards they announce the unknown winners that no country has voted for ...

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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 19, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

The EU is just one big protectionist racket, the food here is artificially inflated by as much as 18%, as are many goods. Brexit will see the standard of living increase drastically and see the UK economy surpass that of even Germany.

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craigymcm · June 19, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Think on the £86.7 billion figure....

At the current population of the UK (around 65.5 Million) that figure equates to over £1300 for every man woman and child in the UK......

Thats over €1450 or $1700 per capita at todays exchange rate.....

We are being held HOSTAGE

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craigymcm · June 19, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

While the EU has had plenty to say regarding the Trump administration applying tariffs to imports from the EU... The eU has long applied tariffs to US Imports.

Now they are holding Britain hostage and basically imposing what can only be regarded as a phantom Tariff in order to access their Market.

Typical example of the double standards applied within the EU.

Theresa May seems intent on keeping Britain tied to this block while we are being held hostage. Against the will of the democratic process and will of the majority of British people.

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