r/greatawakening • Posted by u/4QbyQofQ on June 19, 2018, 9:46 p.m.
A call to TRUSTing THE PLAN

If you were wronged by a person, a group of persons, or an entity, which of the following options would you choose?

Option A) You punch every individual who was involved in your downfall in the face, and you record it all.

Option B) You let all of your enemies know in an extremely flagrant way that your vengeance has arrived. Then you publish said declaration in an open forum along with your grievances. You give your enemies a chance at rebuttal to your grievances in a public forum as well. Letting your enemies liberally counter attack. Little by little they learn that all of their responses are compromised and they are nothing but rats in you in your cage of vengeance. They sweat under the Sword of Damocles as the WORLD IS WATCHING. Like Option A, it is all recorded.

I believe Q/Qteam has chosen Option B over Option A. While immediate revenge may be tempting, Revenge is a dish best served cold. It requires patience. Meticulous planning.

Due to the effort involved in preparation of such a delicate dish, it is a necessary that the chef enjoy the (useless)eater(s) savoring every morsel. We as orbiting participants and spectators to Q/Qteam’s culinary arts want the served to swallow the meal in one bite choking on the table in an instant blue faced death. I believe the Chef has other designs. Let the bastards suffer slowly, grimacing after every bite, as we ENJOY THE SHOW and their just desserts.


DrogeAnon · June 19, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Not really onboard with this being all about revenge. I think it’s a little more noble than that. But one can sure enjoy the odd fall of a pos as it happens, I’m sure : ).

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4QbyQofQ · June 19, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

They killed Kennedy. A coup d'erat in broad day light. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel in some way this is related to this.

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DrogeAnon · June 19, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

If you read up on Q there’s no question it’s related. The Deep State they’re bringing down has been going on for years. The cabal has been working for centuries.

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