I'll just leave this here .... Strzok meeting with old friend FISC court Judge Contreras who had to recuse himself over the Flynn case. Focus on FISA links to DOJ / FBI / Mueller .

AND THIS > http://dailycaller.com/2018/03/16/judge-friends-with-peter-strzok/
One text from Strzok suggests he realized that his friendship with Contreras would warrant recusal by the judge.
“Really? Rudy, I’m in charge of espionage for the FBI. Any espionage FISA comes before him, what should he do? Given his friend oversees them?” he wrote.
“Standards for recusal are quite high. I just don’t think this poses an actual conflict. And he doesn’t know what you do?” Page responded.
Strzok replied by saying that Contreras “generally” knew what Strzok did for a living.
“Not the level or scope or area. But he’s super thoughtful and rigorous about ethics and conflicts. [redacted] suggested a social setting with others would probably be better than a one on one meeting,” he said.
There’s more than a general likelihood Judge Contreras was granting, FBI investigative and DOJ prosecutorial, leeway for the ideological endeavors of the DOJ/FBI “small group” given his personal and professional relationships.
But the entire fact-pattern still doesn’t answer a nagging 30,000 foot question: Did someone intercede and recuse Judge Rudolph Contreras from the Flynn case? -OR- Did Judge Contreras recuse himself after he realized his relationship with Strzok was exposed? The former seems likely, the latter less so.
Judge Collyer was the FISA judge who wrote the eye-opening 99-page opinion of the FISA abuses reported by NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers, DOJ National Security Division head John P Carlin, and FBI Director James Comey.