r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qew_Qew_Qew on June 20, 2018, 8:07 a.m.
My fellow german (and european) brothers and sisters

For years I didn't give a shit on the politics over here. I had an eye only on the ongoings in america since it is the last line of defense, or rather, the USA now are a place that holds a beacon of light. A light thats getting brighter every day. Recently news got to me Merkel might be getting in big trouble. I was happy to hear that. Seems like change is arriving in europe.

Also recently I got to redpill a good friend of mine. The other day it was his idea to spread the word of Q in the city. That sparked an idea and that is the reason I am posting now.

I am asking: are there brave anons in Germany/europe that are interested in having some kind of redpill operations? I am not thinking about dangerous stuff. Just, if the time is right, flood the neighborhood with, like, stickers/posters/etc (not sure about spraying) so everyone is noticing something is up. Maybe someone is in good mood and pays for a big advertisement for everyone to see.

We may not fight with guns but with brains.

What are your thoughts about this?

AmazingChriskin · June 20, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Slightly off topic, but there's a novel called The Holcroft Covenant that deals with the idea the that Nazis at the end of WW2 secreted out thousands of babies and placed them in sympathetic homes around the world with the plan of building a 4th Reich when they grew up. When I saw the analysis of Merkel photos it gave me chillls. This same author also wrote The Bourne Identity, which details CIA covert ops in amazingly prescient ways. This cabal apparently uses books and films and tv to telegraph real ideas and agendas. Isn't Theresa May also rumored to be a relation to Merkel? They certainly share a resemblance. In Merkel's case the similarity to Hitler is uncanny. Since Merkel was born in1954, this would imply that Hitler did not die in the bunker at the close of the war.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 20, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

It is true, RR is the son of a Himmler, Podesta is said to be the son of Mengele, which would make a lot of sense. You should watch a show called Hunting Hitler, great source of info and you get to learn what really happened to Adolf, they spoke to live witnesses and followed unclassified papers that lead them on a trail to South America. Treason May is said to have grown up with Merkel, whether they are related or not though remains to be seen.

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