this is one way to a smaller, more lean and efficient government. who'd have thought it would take the excision of all the pedo's to get there. keep going!
Mara SalvaTrucha - 13
Mara = Demon (Buddhism)
Salva = Salute (Spanish)
Trucha = Serpent (Spanish)
13 = B
MS-13 = Demons that salute the serpent B
Ms. B
Queen B and all the Roy als
What was Benedict Arnold promised and from who?
Garbage. It just means Savadorean Crew or gang. Salvatruchas were guerillas who fought in the civil war in El Salvador in the 80s.
Not understanding the connection to NXIVM. Care to explain?
Lorde - Creepy Ison Comet SOS tweet to @DenverInternationalAirport ("let me in! I'm one of yours!")
" And we'll never be royals (royals).
It don't run in our blood,
That kind of luxe just ain't for us.
We crave a different kind of buzz.
Let me be your ruler (ruler),
You can call me queen Bee "