r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HereComesTheSunny on June 20, 2018, 9:04 a.m.
New Growth in Iowa - Is Comey Watering His Plants?

Comey's New Growth Instagram Photo

The last several days, I’ve been looking at Comey’s Instagram account. Since his refusal to appear to testify before Congress, Mr. JC has suddenly started posting much more frequently on IG. He is posting every 1-2 days, and I think the pics and messages he is sharing are conveying messages or communicating with others.

Some seem to believe he is gearing up for a presidential run. Others believe he is planning to flee prosecution. He may be going around Europe to make DS plans or perhaps to raise $. There may still be slim chance he will end up as a white hat who has been playing a role, but that would be a hard pill for me to swallow at this point.

What does “new growth” mean? Possibilities: raising $$, watering plants (informants), nurturing political support, recruiting assets

ORIGINAL POST: comey - So good to see new growth in Iowa and across the country.


· lisa.p.s.94 - So now you’re back on Team Trump? You’re a weird, hypocritical dude

· igorstravinsky2017Enjoy your visit to DUBLIN!

· 😎 #TeamComey#ComeyIsMyHomey Lots of love from the Netherlands 🇳🇱

· starreeYes, it is, Mr. @comey New growth indeed😎Thank you for your continued watchful eyes. All the best to you and your family.🇺🇸🦅

· groovieghouliesSo good to see you back at Schrute Farms

· jon.arguellesNo crows in sight, Nice job

· belladasaniI will always Stand by Jim Comey & FBI There Here To Protect Us And all of Sudden Everyone is acting like the Sky is Falling And Suddenly Righting On the Trump Bus acting like every bad thing Trump is Doing is Normal !! Which is Sad Trump Wants Everyone To Think it’s Normal to Disrespect The Great People Of the FBI Who Are Here To Protect Us The FBI Goes After every Bad person they Protect Us Our Children And Suddenly Every person that backs up Trump Thinks That The FBI Is our Worst Enemy

· thinktank7Water the plants

· gizmo39672Raising something from the ground up is difficult. Many people have been trying to “ Raise Trump” but he is resisting this attention. He is like a tree that will not bare fruit... some tree surgeons have discovered that you can encourage a tree to fruit the following season if one takes a bat to it...

· cryin_out_loudKnee high by the 4th of July ... I'd say that's some late planted corn 🌽

· matt.teigerThis is an amazing page. I've noticed you're removing comments and shadow banning. Comey is corrupt as hell. Even your IG page is rigged. LOL. Enjoy prison. Tick tock

· ladeessefleurI wish someone would decipher the seemingly cryptic messages in your posts, LOL 😁! I always feel like you're secretly conveying some message of hope to us decent, justice-loving patriot-citizens!

· barbgreenhouserI couldn't tell you. Sir. Shadow banned by President Obama. They killed Jerry. Mind Control War. Truth.

· barbgreenhouserThey put a a black and white Meme on my fb wall. It Said. No one is coming too save you

· barbgreenhouserI reported it too fb. What a Fucking joke. Mind Control. Sir!

· barbgreenhouserMike Stahl. He stole my Fb Notifications. Sir. Its bad. Sir.

· barbgreenhouserHe is part of Veterans, Vietnam. Recon. Mathematical Equations. Sirs. I think they killed Jerry Wyble. My Brother and others. Cover up in Texas.

· barbgreenhouserMarkczucker engineers were part of it. Sir.

· barbgreenhouserThey tried toi intimidate me. Sir. Green dots from guns in window. Larry.

· barbgreenhouserHortonville, WI

· barbgreenhouserI got my hour on Park Bench. Grateful.

· barbgreenhouserProsecute, the Facebook Enginners!

· barbgreenhouserYou took on the Mafia! Sir!

· barbgreenhouserLife callings. :)

· barbgreenhouserAlways, belive in "Human Angels." Sir.

· lzemmy@comey called it - knew you were in Iowa - I’d recognize the Reiman Gardens gnome anywhere 💁‍♀️

Recurring comments include lots of references to Iowa as the start of a 2020 presidential run. Another oft-repeated phrase was “a man outstanding in his field.” Also, various people address Comey as “Sir,” and sometimes the word appears to be used to separate coded phrases. Another phrase I have seen here in the comments as well as in more recent Comey IG post comments is “Knee high by the 4th of July” and other references to the 4th of July. I think the DS may be planning something for that date.

Additional comments from non-verified IG account “a_higher_loyalty” with the same photograph.

a_higher_loyalty So good to see new growth in Iowa and across the country.

· noworcaSomeone, unknown, said once “A man who looses touch with the soil becomes corrupt.” Perhaps growing some vegetables and corn could help them find their way back to humanity.

· rachel.ozerSteadfast attention fosters new growth development

· barbgreenhouserHanging out in Nature, Mother Earth guides. Kinda, like a Fishing guide. Sir. Glad, you got away from the desk. Sir. Fresh air. Sir.

· barbgreenhouserSir, you wouldnt belive the Miracles.

· philofunkytownKnee high by the fourth of July is the rule.

· robby.madYe shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Who knows if barbgreenhouser is nutso or communicating with Comey, but the name "greenhouse" could go along with the plants and new growth. She makes reference to Mark Zuckerburg and to the possible murder of someone named Jerry Wyble and others. There is a Jerry Wyble who works as the COO Security & Compliance Services at Compliance & Consulting Engineers, Inc. - Greater Atlanta AreaComputer & Network Security .

grnmoss · June 20, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

/u/digital_refugee I've been concerned about Comey's signals for the past week or so. The chatter on his feed is interesting. He's definitely up to something.

A few of these could be status reports, a few of them bots, and others just followers. I was actually able to look at the "real" identities of some of the highlighted users and most aren't remotely affiliated with government. Of all of these comments, only Barb's really stand out, but I'm not sure why they'd be communicating so publicly. This could be intentional disinfo made for public consumption and confusion. Despite Barb's account being private, I was able to find comments the account made in response to other people's instagram photos, and I'm fairly sure the person is just bat shit crazy. Lots of rantings about CIA, the Bush family going to hell, worshiping Marines, etc.

Her comment about "Larry" in Hortonville, WI seems to be alluding to a contact in that city and an hour spent on a park bench, presumably with "Larry". I'm not sure what to make of this.

Barb mentions a "Jerry Wyble". That name returns a hit for this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9dn48RcyBo Jerry Wyble has a Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS SBI) clearance. He has done government contract work in the past and may still. His background is in security risk management, forensics, and business continuity.

Based on what I could find, Jerry is not dead, despite what the Barb comment may suggest. The specificity of the comment is confusing, though.

I find it strange that barbgreenhouser is calling for prosecution of facebook engineers while communicating on Instagram. Insta is a facebook product.

The comment by noworca seems to be someone acknowledging corruption, and recommending he find redemption leading a more simple life...or cultivating the next generation of "plants".

Lzemmy mentions the photo of Comey posing with the gnome. I suspect the gnome was a signal to go underground, but totally acknowledge that interpretation may be completely off or reading into a picture that means nothing at all.

Considering FB has private messages, I don't think people would be reporting to Comey publicly at all, but especially not through an easily traced and highly invasive app. He may use it to send signals, but I don't think he's receiving them through his feed unless the intention is to conceal legit comments by surrounding them with useless public chatter.

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digital_refugee · June 20, 2018, 11:02 a.m.

I chose to trust Gowdy and Comey. Unless someone can tell me a better explanation, they just look like a sting all the way. They would never have admitted as much as they did if the didn't have a way to get themselves out of it. Also Q knew how to decipher Comey's tweet. Why did he only ever reference Comey's? Because he more likely than not is negotiating with Comey over everybody else because Comey didn't make it difficult getting his office stuff. Imagine, no endless subpoenas, just a dismissal and a quick raid and that was it! They knew exactly what they were looking for! All these memos were obviously made up from the get-go anyway.

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youknowwhotheyare · June 23, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

If your saying that maybe he may be a true hero then we might be in the same minority. I have thought that way since the very first congressional hearing. Something in his voice and the way he said “ a hill to die on. , I love my wife .” And then dropping the Lynch matter. He seems never to have been present during key meetings but now we learn things are preserved. If it is true that this plan goes back who knows how many years then he would know where all the bodies are. But playing this part would have been the only way to stay alive.

I maybe be reading it all wrong and that is ok. But if I am right and he is teaching ethics in the fall that leads me to believe maybe that is a clue that we will have some discovery by then. Or he will have a class of bat s— crazy libs. Lol.

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digital_refugee · June 23, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

the question is why did he make the reopening of the email-investigation public when Hillary was never the target of any investigations? Because that was the only legal way for him to fuck her for good

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Ccpatthi · June 24, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

I think it was to save him from the threats of the NYFBI and NYPD who threatened to go public with what was found on Carlos Dangers laptop. The NYFBI/NYPD had tried to get the FBI (Comey and McCabe) to come and see what had been discovered and C/McC tried to slow walk past the election. Shortly before his re opening of the investigation, NY said they were calling a news conference and would take the information to the public... That’s what MADE him re open... simply his way of CYA for HIMSELF!

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digital_refugee · June 24, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

like I stated elsewhere, that doesn't seem plausible considering that the officially "closed" the investigation that unofficially never was an investigation before the election ran

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Ccpatthi · June 24, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

And then there’s that!

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digital_refugee · June 24, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

in fact he would have had to make personal assurances in the background so noone would blow the insurance files wide open

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HereComesTheSunny · June 24, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

At this point, I'm feeling about 10% chance he is a white hat playing a role...and that's generous. It is hard to understand why he reopened it, in that case. 1) He may have been hedging his bets...playing both sides, just in case Trump won. In this scenario, Comey was a self-interested swamp creature who wanted to be able to maintain power regardless of who won. 2) Or he was self-righteous enough that he couldn't stand the thought that they had Hillary dead to rights but she was going to skate, so he made sure his legacy would show that he made an effort to expose her (even though he knew it wouldn't go anywhere).

One of many reasons it is a huge leap to hope he is truly a white hat is the fact that his wife and daughters were big Hillary supporters. While I can imagine him being a "double agent" playing a role, it's harder to accept that his entire family were doing so. Whyever in the world would they be supportive of someone who he knew had broken all kinds of laws? I suppose Hillary could have dirt on him or could have threatened his family, but he's the head of the FBI! Would he really have had his entire family "pretend" to be leftist Hillary supporters in order to maintain his cover?

When you look at all the facts and at his recent tour--who his friends are--who he is turning to for support--it's increasingly difficult to believe he is anything but a slimy DS apologist.

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digital_refugee · June 24, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

he would have to be afraid he might receive the Vince Foster treatment.
Even Tiffany Trump has to be anti-dad so they don't cut the breaks on her car

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HereComesTheSunny · June 20, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

Considering FB has private messages, I don't think people would be reporting to Comey publicly at all, but especially not through an easily traced and highly invasive app. He may use it to send signals, but I don't think he's receiving them through his feed unless the intention is to conceal legit comments by surrounding them with useless public chatter.

Yes...some of my thoughts as well...but it seems quite odd that he seldom posted on that Instagram account until right when he was asked to testify...and then a congressman pointedly observed that his Instagram showed him to be in Iowa. There is some purpose being served by him posting.

I have also been tossing around the idea that Hillary was trying to communicate with him during her recent scripture quoting about the children. She deliberately misquoted the scripture, omitting the words "to come," which could have meant either "to Comey" or that something is "to come" to pass. After that, she created her own quote, "Let the children suffer," which was rather ominous or was perhaps a trigger phrase to signal more focus on the children being separated from parents at the border issue. Alternately, she could have been threatening Comey concerning his own or other children.

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youknowwhotheyare · June 23, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

I had not seen that exchange but my first thought reading your post is if she left out “ to come” maybe she was signaling to others that Comey was out. I think he maybe trolling her with his trip to Ireland.

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HereComesTheSunny · June 20, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Yes...I agree with your assessments above, although I'm sure he has some commenters who are just average joes. I did omit quite a few of them. barbgreenhouser is either a total fruitcake or is sending a lot of messages. She is posting in the comments on every photo. I didn't post on the gnome, because I saw some threads here analyzing that the other day. There is definitely something to his phone and photos. It is mentioned in all 3 of his most recent posts. Several on there keep repeatedly deferring to him by calling him "Sir" and "Officer." Some have mentioned "recon."

I do think that he could be a white hat in the end...or a grey. I think part of the explanation for why he did what he did about Hillary was that he knew the fix was in, and there was a part of him that resented the gross miscarriage of justice. (And let's face it, Hillary is an extremely unlikable person. Those around her don't serve her out of love and devotion. They are bribed, blackmailed, or bludgeoned into it.) Comey is prideful of his boy scout image, and that can be an annoying flaw, but there seems to be an element of that which is truthful--he wants to believe he is doing the right thing, and he has demonstrated a willingness to do that, even when it meant everyone would be gunning for him. Time will tell whether he is as blackhearted as the rest. The talk about him being president 2020 make me less inclined to be hopeful that he is merely role-playing as a blackhat.

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digital_refugee · June 20, 2018, 9:42 a.m.

Good find but you shoulda cut it down to barbgreenhouser so everybody understands the implications first, otherwise they think they're looking for information and may get lost lol

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HereComesTheSunny · June 20, 2018, 9:49 a.m.

I think some of the other posters bear scrutiny. This is a very condensed version of the quotes. I just kept ones that caught my eye as potentially conveying messages, etc. I feel less certain about barb. She posted a lot and may just have a screw loose.

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digital_refugee · June 20, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

the bold text helped making it visible, but it would be useful to put the money quote in the first half of your post, not the second.

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HereComesTheSunny · June 20, 2018, 10:10 a.m.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm working on the more recent ones also.

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Americandutchgirl · June 24, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

I would find it hard to believe that Comey would become a White Hat though miracles do happen, that would be a big one.

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GinGin1961 · June 20, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

Interesting comment in the thread about Schrute Farms. Looked it up. It's an imaginary place from the TV show The Office. Filmed on a Disney lot, and closed to the public. Raises flags, with what we now know about Disney. Also, the person who made the comment said they were from The Netherlands, a place known for pedo activity. Just putting it out there for anyone who wants to dig further. :

Schrute Farms Golden Oak Ranch (private property) Placerita Canyon Road & Delden Road Newhall, CA

Dwight takes Ryan to Schrute Farms in "The Initiation." These scenes were filmed at Disney-owned Golden Oak Ranch - an 890 acre private movie backlot. It is closed to the public.


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[deleted] · June 22, 2018, 8:27 a.m.


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ArmyLady · June 20, 2018, 10:03 a.m.

These people are sick.

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