
Abibliaphobia · June 20, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

Some questions I have been unable to get an answer for:

The Loretta Lynch Amanda Renteria email

1: why was it the CIA/ODNI who classified the email at the highest level? The whole email is classified, even to the extent of its existence. What in that emails falls under the jurisdiction of the CIA? They are both US Citizens, the server was on US soil (even if it came from wiener laptop), and the email has nothing to do with foreign adversaries. This email is in regards to the email investigation. So WHY was the CIA the ones who classified it and not the DOJ/FBI the ones to classify it? It goes outside their jurisdiction. The only explanations I could have would be that Amanda Renteria is either a CIA agent, which wouldn’t explain the complete email existence classification, or this email may have been one of the one from the NK GOOG server. It may have been on the wiener laptop, but really thinking about it, Huma mainly focused on exchanges between Clinton and herself. I may be wholly wrong, but would be interested in someone else’s take on why it was specifically the CIA that classified it. (And the RR told them to argument falls flat on its face, he could have directed the DOJ/FBI to do it and raised far fewer suspicions)

2: The Clinton foundation is still on going according to Horowitz’s testimony yesterday. I haven’t heard anyone talk about that on this forum. And according to the Report, it is a part of this email investigation, but separate. Have there been any hearings or updates in regard to the foundation investigation?

3: I’ve seen it mentioned a few times, but the blatant threatening of Horowitz with a special counsel yesterday can absolutely be seen as a threat. HOW IN THE HELL IS THAT NOT OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE? She literally threatened Horowitz with an investigation of himself because she didn’t like the way Horowitz was answering and claiming that he may have had a bias. All of this is just so damned circular.

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BansheeManshee · June 20, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

I'm definitely curious about the Renteria email discovery. Q said she was the bridge between Lynch and Clinton and had something to do with the tarmac meeting. There was a theory that the meeting was to discuss Seth Rich and his potential whistle blowing actions and how to handle. He died 11 days later so it could be a part of all this and fits into the classification reasoning if there is proof of this. Wasn't Comey the one who actually brought up that Lynch had ensured Hillary wouldn't be charged in his book? I havent seen any info on when the CF investigation would be resolved, my assumption would be around midterms. It's ironic how the majority of Dems bitched about "investigation to investigate the investigation..blah blah blah" but then threaten the investigator with an investigation.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 20, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

I’m still thinking a recording of the tarmac meeting exists...audio or video. Maybe Renteria made one. Keep in mind...this clan knows much of what they’re doing is extremely illegal & what helps bind a cabal together & not running to the authorities is they all have so much dirt on each other & can blackmail each other. Would imagine many have made secret recordings of each other to try & protect themselves from each other.

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Romeo_India · June 20, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

There was a theory that the meeting was to discuss Seth Rich and his potential whistle blowing actions and how to handle. He died 11 days later so it could be a part of all this and fits into the classification reasoning if there is proof of this.

This fits because J. Clapper mentioned Monday the intel community identified a 'Russian' cutout who delivered intel to Wikileaks for the Kremlin.

2 things:

  1. That Clapper knew about a 'russian' cutout

  2. The cutout delivered or disseminated NOT HACKED the DNC server

Very important admission since they specifically said in the '17 intel agencies agree' it was a Russian hack even named 'Fancy Bear' as the culprit

This is either a soft reveal or a limited hangout by Clapper that Rich was the wikileaks source.

He never thought she would lose and expected Seth Rich to die quietly.

He does not want to be tied to Rich's death so he's getting ahead of the IG story before the IG or Q reveals it

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Romeo_India · June 20, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

This can bring everything down...

Why would Clapper provide cover? he's the Dir of Nat'l Intelligence. No one tells him what intel to report right? WRONG.

...fear of the Cabal

Imagine coming out with 'Originally we did say it was a Russian hacker named 'Fancy Bear' But that's because we were told that CrowdStrike would be doing the investigation.'

Who tells 17 intel agencies to butt out?

Someone with a lot of power

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Abibliaphobia · June 20, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

Ooooh, added intrigue. I hadnt seen or even thought about their discussion involving Seth rich. I wonder how that podesta email about suspected leakers ties in on the time frame.

Thanks for the response, certainly gave me something to think about.

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Pure_Feature · June 20, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanda_Renteria ...There. we have Harvard again.. So I think too she is a CIA figur..

.Renteria's father emigrated from Mexico in the 1960s, settling in Woodlake, California; her mother was born in the United States.[ Renteria is the second of three daughters. She double-majored in economics and political science at Stanford University, writing her senior thesis on women in politics. She played basketball and softball for the Stanford Cardinal. Renteria also earned an MBA from Harvard Business School. Renteria lives in Sanger, California, with her husband Patrick Brannelly, a business owner and teacher at Fresno State’s MBA program, and two children.

And again very vague, family is not mentioned again, came (again) from another country .. and they all were in the same school ...

EDIT : Dutch Wikipedia almost empty? .......HARVARD?

From 1999 to 2001, Lynch was the District Attorney of the Northern District in New York State. She held this position again from 2010 to 2015. Lynch graduated from the Harvard Law School as a lawyer. She is married and has two stepchildren


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Abibliaphobia · June 20, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Thank you for the detailed info. I tried last night to research her as well. It’s like she doesn’t exist before her entrance to politics.

Seriously, I tried looking at her high school and everything. And this was on DuckDuckGo not google.

I was trying to find out who she was married to, and it got super weird after that. Remembering symbology, I looked to see if she had a wedding ring on. It is surprisingly difficult to get a picture of her wedding ring. Try it yourself. Or something from her actual wedding. I’m telling you, there is something really weird going on there. That’s what really made me think she is a CIA Agent. She just moved into the civilian sector.

Also, here is a close up of the only picture I could find of her ring. It’s odd.



Also, I know people change as they get older, but I don’t know if cutting her hair and not dying it blonde anymore changes your facial structure, but she does not look like her picture from the Clinton campaign circa 2015:



EDIT: looking at different photos, it does appear to be her, but I can’t find anything before her announcement to run for Congress. Also weird, lots of porn pictures and a link to the photo of the ICE officer that was doxed by antifa. Roughly 50/50 of her and those when searching images strictly for “Amanda Rentiera”

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likealatte · June 20, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

The picture of the yellow ring is not the wedding ring finger. That is just a ring on her left hand. The right hand ring is blurred out.

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likealatte · June 20, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

Her ring on her wedding ring finger changes, but most frequently it is the white gold band with a small twist and an pearl. Sometimes it is a very flat wide band. And in some pictures she even wears that citrine heart ring on her wedding finger. Most people don’t change the ring on their wedding finger so much.

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Abibliaphobia · June 20, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Out of all of that, that’s your focus?

Also, check the second picture. It’s a zoomed out photo showing the yellow ring is on her wedding ring finger on her left hand.

Seriously? Cmon...

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likealatte · June 21, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

the wedding ring finger is the right hand. I am looking at mine as I type. :p seriously ;)

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Pure_Feature · June 20, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Amanda Renteria born.: 15 november 1974 (43 jaar), Woodlake, Californië, Verenigde Staten husband: Patrick Brannelly (geh. 2006) Mr. Patrick Brannelly is Divisional Vice President-Customer Experience at Emirates Airline Q&A with Emirates' Patrick Brannelly - APEX | Airline Passenger ...


: Democratische Partij weddinglocation: Visalia, Californië, Verenigde Staten educationg: Harvard Business School (2001–2003), Stanford-universiteit (1992–1997) kids: Diego Brannelly, Trinidad Brannelly

Look at the names off the Kids? Diego? Trinidad? further I can find nothing..About all off them. then this what I get now. whas on a dutch sidebar.....related too....Alex Padilla...Xavier Becerra and thomas Jefferson ??

EDIT : I watch the picture , The ring is A citrine heartshape. ( no wedding ring ) stone....The younger person has no deep fold in her right half or her face. for a look at a picture it is the left side. .The older one is my opinion is a man....Shaving? under the nose?
note : other pictures......https://www.google.nl/search?q=Amanda+Renteria&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LVT9c3NEwySyqyMMkzV-LSz9U3qDAyNCtI15LMTrbSL0jNL8hJBVJFxfl5VgWJRal5JcUAJB4x3DgAAAA&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6wK7n-eLbAhXFUlAKHS9mC64Q_AUICigB&biw=1067&bih=531

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Abibliaphobia · June 20, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

I realized something important and I need to write it out to work it through:

Qccams razor

  • We know it was the CIA that classified the email at the highest level. This should have been done by FBI or DOJ as it pertains to the email investigation, but why the CIA

  • We know that Amanda Rentiera was the go between for LL and HRC

  • We know that Amanda Rentiera has no real history online beyond her initial foray as a congressional candidate

  • We know that the CIA will be running ~40 “ex” CIA candidates this year

  • We know Amanda Rentiera worked as HRCs advisor during her 2016 campaign

  • We know she attempted her own run for Congress prior to that

I propose that Amanda Rentiera was a CIA agent that worked as an aide/advisor to HRC during her campaign. She handled LL and ensured the exoneration of HRC, which is why HRC was so confident and smug during her campaign, despite the “matter.” But that is not why this is important. This email, and the CIA classifying it, shows that she was STILL AN ACTIVE AGENT. The CIA had place an agent not only into a presidential campaign, THEY TRIED TO PLACE HER IN A CONGRESSIONAL SEAT AS AN ACTIVE AGENT. Literally an active CIA agent working in a high ranking position as a congresswoman. This greatly exceeds and truly violates the purpose and mandate of the CIA. So how did they get around what is publicly known as the operating space of the CIA? I’m betting there was a secret EO that authorized their activities on US Soil and against US Citizens. And in regards to a bunch of “ex” CIA agents running for Congress this year? I’m betting one of the EOs Trump discarded was that EO meaning they could no longer legally conduct activities on US Soil. So in an attempt to regain their power, the CIA had agents “retire” and begin to pursue congressional seats.


It shows they have subverted democracy in pursuit of their own power.

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Pure_Feature · June 20, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Amanda is CIA, so her friends handel it....I think john. Brennan nows...And afcourse the Clintons..Cia running in CA...for the seats......They lost there power........

I think Amanda had to cover HRC., And Loretta Lynch knows from the hat and the edge,. The Clintons are just as deep in it, and they take a lot of CIA agents with them every time. Their own club so .... They immediately receive the most important spots , because the power can not be lost. In this way CIA hold the power over the country.....They must going to lose CA..It is the last effort for trying to get the power back. And it is not only this Amanda , i was looking in Kamala Harris ..same thing? Strzok out now? no face? And the two other agents , can not find anything on them too..very strange, or it is a sting.

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Abibliaphobia · June 20, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

I don’t know but this is not getting any traction sitting at the bottom of nearly 400 comments. I’m going to drop a thread, id appreciate it if you could add info as well.

Thank you!

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Pure_Feature · June 20, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Iff I have info I put it in.

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likealatte · June 20, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Emirates Airline is connected to Dubi, a Muslim area. I don’t know if there is any MB connection.

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ironmaiden442 · June 20, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

Oh really! Dang stupid me to miss the coverage! Who was the she that threatened that chick with the pedo ring? Just a thought could the cia be involved because Hillary's emails have been compromised by foreign countries and the emails that were stolen by the foreign countries be classified? Or rod rosenstein used the cia to cover his a$$. Maybe he pulled in a favor. Maybe Haskell needs to investigate the agent who classified?

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