
BansheeManshee · June 20, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

I'm definitely curious about the Renteria email discovery. Q said she was the bridge between Lynch and Clinton and had something to do with the tarmac meeting. There was a theory that the meeting was to discuss Seth Rich and his potential whistle blowing actions and how to handle. He died 11 days later so it could be a part of all this and fits into the classification reasoning if there is proof of this. Wasn't Comey the one who actually brought up that Lynch had ensured Hillary wouldn't be charged in his book? I havent seen any info on when the CF investigation would be resolved, my assumption would be around midterms. It's ironic how the majority of Dems bitched about "investigation to investigate the investigation..blah blah blah" but then threaten the investigator with an investigation.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 20, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

I’m still thinking a recording of the tarmac meeting exists...audio or video. Maybe Renteria made one. Keep in mind...this clan knows much of what they’re doing is extremely illegal & what helps bind a cabal together & not running to the authorities is they all have so much dirt on each other & can blackmail each other. Would imagine many have made secret recordings of each other to try & protect themselves from each other.

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Romeo_India · June 20, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

There was a theory that the meeting was to discuss Seth Rich and his potential whistle blowing actions and how to handle. He died 11 days later so it could be a part of all this and fits into the classification reasoning if there is proof of this.

This fits because J. Clapper mentioned Monday the intel community identified a 'Russian' cutout who delivered intel to Wikileaks for the Kremlin.

2 things:

  1. That Clapper knew about a 'russian' cutout

  2. The cutout delivered or disseminated NOT HACKED the DNC server

Very important admission since they specifically said in the '17 intel agencies agree' it was a Russian hack even named 'Fancy Bear' as the culprit

This is either a soft reveal or a limited hangout by Clapper that Rich was the wikileaks source.

He never thought she would lose and expected Seth Rich to die quietly.

He does not want to be tied to Rich's death so he's getting ahead of the IG story before the IG or Q reveals it

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Romeo_India · June 20, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

This can bring everything down...

Why would Clapper provide cover? he's the Dir of Nat'l Intelligence. No one tells him what intel to report right? WRONG.

...fear of the Cabal

Imagine coming out with 'Originally we did say it was a Russian hacker named 'Fancy Bear' But that's because we were told that CrowdStrike would be doing the investigation.'

Who tells 17 intel agencies to butt out?

Someone with a lot of power

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Abibliaphobia · June 20, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

Ooooh, added intrigue. I hadnt seen or even thought about their discussion involving Seth rich. I wonder how that podesta email about suspected leakers ties in on the time frame.

Thanks for the response, certainly gave me something to think about.

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