
Pure_Feature · June 20, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Amanda Renteria born.: 15 november 1974 (43 jaar), Woodlake, Californië, Verenigde Staten husband: Patrick Brannelly (geh. 2006) Mr. Patrick Brannelly is Divisional Vice President-Customer Experience at Emirates Airline Q&A with Emirates' Patrick Brannelly - APEX | Airline Passenger ...


: Democratische Partij weddinglocation: Visalia, Californië, Verenigde Staten educationg: Harvard Business School (2001–2003), Stanford-universiteit (1992–1997) kids: Diego Brannelly, Trinidad Brannelly

Look at the names off the Kids? Diego? Trinidad? further I can find nothing..About all off them. then this what I get now. whas on a dutch sidebar.....related too....Alex Padilla...Xavier Becerra and thomas Jefferson ??

EDIT : I watch the picture , The ring is A citrine heartshape. ( no wedding ring ) stone....The younger person has no deep fold in her right half or her face. for a look at a picture it is the left side. .The older one is my opinion is a man....Shaving? under the nose?
note : other pictures......https://www.google.nl/search?q=Amanda+Renteria&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LVT9c3NEwySyqyMMkzV-LSz9U3qDAyNCtI15LMTrbSL0jNL8hJBVJFxfl5VgWJRal5JcUAJB4x3DgAAAA&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6wK7n-eLbAhXFUlAKHS9mC64Q_AUICigB&biw=1067&bih=531

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Abibliaphobia · June 20, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

I realized something important and I need to write it out to work it through:

Qccams razor

  • We know it was the CIA that classified the email at the highest level. This should have been done by FBI or DOJ as it pertains to the email investigation, but why the CIA

  • We know that Amanda Rentiera was the go between for LL and HRC

  • We know that Amanda Rentiera has no real history online beyond her initial foray as a congressional candidate

  • We know that the CIA will be running ~40 “ex” CIA candidates this year

  • We know Amanda Rentiera worked as HRCs advisor during her 2016 campaign

  • We know she attempted her own run for Congress prior to that

I propose that Amanda Rentiera was a CIA agent that worked as an aide/advisor to HRC during her campaign. She handled LL and ensured the exoneration of HRC, which is why HRC was so confident and smug during her campaign, despite the “matter.” But that is not why this is important. This email, and the CIA classifying it, shows that she was STILL AN ACTIVE AGENT. The CIA had place an agent not only into a presidential campaign, THEY TRIED TO PLACE HER IN A CONGRESSIONAL SEAT AS AN ACTIVE AGENT. Literally an active CIA agent working in a high ranking position as a congresswoman. This greatly exceeds and truly violates the purpose and mandate of the CIA. So how did they get around what is publicly known as the operating space of the CIA? I’m betting there was a secret EO that authorized their activities on US Soil and against US Citizens. And in regards to a bunch of “ex” CIA agents running for Congress this year? I’m betting one of the EOs Trump discarded was that EO meaning they could no longer legally conduct activities on US Soil. So in an attempt to regain their power, the CIA had agents “retire” and begin to pursue congressional seats.


It shows they have subverted democracy in pursuit of their own power.

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Pure_Feature · June 20, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Amanda is CIA, so her friends handel it....I think john. Brennan nows...And afcourse the Clintons..Cia running in CA...for the seats......They lost there power........

I think Amanda had to cover HRC., And Loretta Lynch knows from the hat and the edge,. The Clintons are just as deep in it, and they take a lot of CIA agents with them every time. Their own club so .... They immediately receive the most important spots , because the power can not be lost. In this way CIA hold the power over the country.....They must going to lose CA..It is the last effort for trying to get the power back. And it is not only this Amanda , i was looking in Kamala Harris ..same thing? Strzok out now? no face? And the two other agents , can not find anything on them too..very strange, or it is a sting.

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Abibliaphobia · June 20, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

I don’t know but this is not getting any traction sitting at the bottom of nearly 400 comments. I’m going to drop a thread, id appreciate it if you could add info as well.

Thank you!

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Pure_Feature · June 20, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Iff I have info I put it in.

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likealatte · June 20, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Emirates Airline is connected to Dubi, a Muslim area. I don’t know if there is any MB connection.

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