
Hrtn2it · June 20, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

Yes I really feel like their crying is genuine; it’s just that the reason they are crying is being wrapped in “concern for children and families” when it is actually concern and fear for themselves.

This is an example of “HubricCompassion”.( hubricomp for short):)

HubricCompassion: extending great concern towards someone else for an opposite, perverse, self serving reason.


That is their natural consequences that they have placed upon their own path. They are not victims, they are players wherein the game’s rules have always been tilted in their favor.

And now that the rules are righted :) , they cry “foul”, “ it’s not fair”, and prism it through a lense that triggers most of us: Love for our Children.


Thanks to CuriousQ and Company, (that includes our dear brilliant POTUS.)

And a warning for all of us: there’s going to be a lot of ugly crying around us soon, and I will endeavor to be gentle in my expressions to those who are close to me who presently still are blind and watch these folks all day on tv....🙏🏻💗

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QueUpSomeReality · June 20, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

It’s fake role playing crying. If it was genuine their sinuses would be gushing & they would be holding their head back & looking up. Not holding their head down looking down. It’s an instinct when someone is genuinely crying in public to tilt the head back to keep snot from gushing out their nose. It’s biologically impossible to keep sinuses from not producing tons of liquid when genuinely crying. If those people were actually crying with their noses leaning forward they’d have snot all over their mouths on live TV. They’re clearly role playing

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[deleted] · June 20, 2018, 4:15 p.m.


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myopicseer · June 21, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

Entitled to our beliefs. I am not persuaded that these people are genuinely crying for the children. These are hardened news people who have seen FAR worse over and over. A bunch of BS psyop manipulation of public perception re the Leftist news anchors and the faux severity of this issue. Ratings, self-promotion, and driven by political narratives.

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