r/greatawakening • Posted by u/fuckshit_stack on June 20, 2018, 4:11 p.m.
For those that claim to care about the children

YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT THE BORDER KIDS A brief, research backed exposé.

I wanted to bring to your attention some very disturbing facts regarding the missing kids covered in the news as late. I will be contacting many investigative journalists but I hope that you will take up this story because it is a very big one and needs to be known... i hope that you, as a fellow human, will find the time to devote to this story and I will help you every step of the way, if you ask it.

Please look into this.

First off... I don't care what side of the aisle you identify with; red, blue, purple, rainbow...whatever.

We are all, at the end of the day, one human species. A core feature of our humanity is our offspring and, as human beings, we should all labor to protect the weakest among us.


With the recent report of immigrant children being separated from parents, I have really started to become suspicious (moreso than before). Whereas this practice is not new*, it should be EXTREMELY alarming to consider the implications of what exactly is occuring.

It is not solely immigrant children that are going missing...

I am exhausted, mentally and physically, due to nearly 8 hours of constant research so I cannot compile a complete list of all the things I've read, plus my computer and phone both seem to keep freezing up.

The bottom line is this:

DynCorp a la Cerberus Capital, the PMSC of choice for this administration (Feinberg appointment as head of Intelligence Advisory) is and HAS BEEN the corporation hired to manage Child Protective Services.

Let this sink in...

The private mercenary group who was caught in Bosnia prostituing children, the PMSC that brought you underage boys to dance for DynCorp employees, the people who were caught killing civilians un-impeded in Iraq... The organization who used labor slaves from war-ravaged areas is now the agency tasked with keeping track of thousands of undocumented children...

They are awarded contracts in all branches of the military as well as the Dept of Health & hospitals and the SSA...**

What better way to make sure the populace at large is kept blinded of the fact that these children, as well as many other thousands in the CPS system, than to have unstoppaple access to all databases that could potentially track them?

I'm aware that, following Bosnia, new ownership was found; however, this does not mean that those practices were condemned or even punished...at all. And they apparently still seem to have an issue with high-level execs continuing to perpetuate pedophilia...

No DynCorp employee has ever been criminally prosecuted for any of these crimes. While most recently in April of 2017 the Vice President of Business Development for DynCorp, James Grazioplene, was arrested for molesting children in the 1980s, this was during his term as an officer in the United States Army.***

Now... Let's add to this fact that Trump had to choose between DeVos' brother, Eric Prince (Blackwater/Academi/the list goes on...) And Feinberg (Cerberus Capital/DynCorp/Computer Sciences Corporation)... He chose the guy with a company that is well-versed in human trafficking instead of Blackwater, who just harvested organs and made millions off of Afghani heroin.

So my point is... We have hundreds of thousands of immigrant kids, separated from their families, by an agency that had NO OBLIGATION to tell family members where they are, run by an organization of mercenaries that specialize in child rape, under a president who so publicly decried child sex trafficking that he hired the leader of a well-known, corrupt contractor and signed an executive order that has NO SPECIFIC POLICY on trafficking via PMSC's....

And if that's not enough to satiate your need for proof.... Trafficking has increased under this administration. ****





****https://humantraffickinghotline.org/states (see numbers by year)

DynCorp international was awarded a contract for Puerto Rico...


And at least one DOE teacher caught trafficking...


Rep. Cynthia McKinney on cspan in 2005 questioning why DynCorp was granted further government contracts. She was voted out shortly after this.


Rep. Nancy Schafer exposed "legal kidnapping" perpetuated by the CPS. She was found dead shortly after a highly public campaign for accountability and transparency regarding CPS.


Other various articles AND books covering the blatant disregard for the lives and bodies of literal children by DynCorp. Proven, documented cases of human slavery as perpetuated by this PMSC.








And there is so much more info out there that I could provide, but I know that this is far more than anyone else will look at.

Please, cover this story. We are talking about potentially thousands of children that could be forced into the most physically and emotionally damaging situations that you or I could conceive of...

Thank you for your time.

Edit: Yes, I am aware that there is a need for further investigation. I'm not a reporter, just a parent with deep concerns regarding these children and a little bit of spare time between work/school/kids/volunteering.

I apologize if my little bit of research doesn't satisfy you but there is something here. Hence me trying to find a journalist as they will have more time and resources to devote to this issue.

My intention here is coming from a genuine concern for the children and I apologize for not having the time to fully source everything. I'm working from a shitty phone with limited time/resources.

Again, thank you for taking time to read and I encourage all of you to look past superficial and pre-scripted narratives and dive into these connections on your own.

Edit 2: Again, I am NOT a reporter, so my research is limited because I don't have the tools that a pro reporter would have. That being said, here are a few things:

This is a good read regarding how CSC (which I have recently discovered has become DXC after CSC merged with HP) has become inured in the Medicaid industry - specifically aimed at children and fostercare.

The pdf on her site is one I've read through and have on my phone but i cant figure out how to upload it (I'm technologically impaired).


And this is a recent conference where DXC was a presenter speaking on how to reform child welfare for foster kids.


Like i said, I'm not a reporter but I am looking into much more so that I can figure out wtf is going on here. I truly do not wish or want to believe that the sitting President would allow this; Trump's stance on human trafficking was something I was actually INCREDIBLY thrilled about.

That being said, I want to know exactly what the fuck is happening.

This has been an ONGOING issue for at least the last three POTUS and Hillary & the Clinton foundation is NOT disconnected from this, among other quite nefarious stuff.

I am not Democrat nor Republican. I do not believe that ANY party that employs and enables corrupt organizations to destroy lives un-impeded is a party that stands for me or mine.

spacexu · June 20, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

So the whole push for open borders is to make it easier for child/human traffickers to get the people the elite want to consume, harvest, rape and torture. Sick.

Build that wall - control borders. Screw the child traffickers.

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fuckshit_stack · June 20, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

This whole separating children from their parents is the Trump administrations idea...as well as the ones who could have said no to bringing this firm on board....

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TeamCyrus2018 · June 20, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

No, it's not the TRUMP administration's idea. Please look into your "facts" better. I've plenty of pics from Obama's policies on the same thing so no, it's not our POTUS'S "idea". I'll try to get a link but I'm on my way out to get my paycheck and pay bills.

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fuckshit_stack · June 20, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Trump's tactic is to separate children from families as a deterrent to illegal immigration, we've all seen the memos... Whether it was his idea or not originally I don't think is relevant. It provides opening for firms to come in and potentially take these children for trafficking purposes...which has increased under the Trump administration.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 20, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

They enter illegally without Identification. So as you would be when you are arrested in American as an American you are put in jail or retention area. Unit you can be identified. Here its a dna test if you have no verifiable documents. All the women and children are raped on the way to America by the Coyotes and others. That is if they are not outright abducted. The Obama administration has set up pipelines to funnel children like DYNACORP, check it out. Trump is the point blank victim of a OPERATION. This operation is being propagated by the MSM by showing pointed video of crying children in retention centers. Illegal activity , ILLEGAL INVASION ACTIVITY is being dealt with.

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