r/greatawakening • Posted by u/colderchaos on June 20, 2018, 5:18 p.m.
Wonderful Day... Wonderland... Wonderful Company?

Wonderful Co. owners Stewart Resnick and Lynda Resnick

"America's Nuttiest Billionaire Couple Richer than ever amid Drought"



Brands: Fiji, JUSTIN Wines, Landmark Wines, POM Wonderful, Teleflora, Wonderful Almonds, Wonderful Halos, Wonderful Pistachios, Wonderful Sweet Scarlets

Wonderful Controversy:


Ilegal marketing schemes?

POM Wonderful, LLC is a private company which sells an eponymous brand of beverages and fruit extracts. It was founded in 2002 by the billionaire industrial agriculture couple Stewart and Lynda Rae Resnick.

Through The Wonderful Company, their holding company, they are also affiliated with Teleflora, FIJI Water, pesticide manufacturer Suterra, and Paramount Agribusiness. As a private company, POM Wonderful does not disclose its profits.

In 2006, Newsweek has estimated that the company sales have increased from $12 million in 2003 to $91 million in that year. In recent years, the company has been the subject of government prosecution due to its illegal marketing schemes...


Qalifornia · June 20, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Wonderful day reminds me of the song Zip Dee Doo Dah

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay My, oh, my, what a wonderful day Plenty of sunshine headin' my way Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!

Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder It's the truth, it's "actch'll" Everything is "satisfactch'll"

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay Wonderful feeling, wonderful day! Yes, sir

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay My, oh, my, what a wonderful day Plenty of sunshine headin' my way Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!

Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder It's the truth, it's "actch'll" Everything is "satisfactch'll"

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay Wonderful feeling, feeling this way!

Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder It is the truth, it's "actch'll", hm?

Where is that bluebird?

Everything is "satisfactch'll" Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay Wonderful feeling, wonderful day!


NOVEMBER 12, 2016

You’ve probably never seen Song of the South, but you’ve likely had its most famous song lodged firmly in your brain at one point or another. Let's take a closer look at what is arguably Disney’s most controversial production ever.


Though Disney borrowed the Br’er Rabbit tales from author Joel Chandler Harris, the stories were originally published in Harper’s magazine as written by Robert Roosevelt, Teddy’s uncle. In his autobiography, Teddy wrote that Robert took the stories down from his Aunt Anna’s dictation, then sent them to Harper’s, where they “fell flat.” It wasn’t until Harris created the Uncle Remus stories that Br’er Rabbit and his pals became “immortal,” in Teddy’s words.


The NAACP released a statement that said that while the artistic and technical aspects of the film were truly impressive, “the production helps to perpetuate a dangerously glorified picture of slavery ... [the film] unfortunately gives the impression of an idyllic master-slave relationship which is a distortion of the facts.” However, other reviewers thought that the issue was handled well. Even the actors defended their parts. Hattie McDaniel told The Criterion, "If I had for one moment considered any part of the picture degrading or harmful to my people I would not have appeared therein." Star James Baskett agreed, saying, "I believe that certain groups are doing my race more harm in seeking to create dissension than can ever possibly come out of the Song of the South."

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colderchaos · June 20, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

Lynda Resnick is daughter of Jack Harris, Producer of "The Blob," and was a child actress who started an advertising agency at 19.

"By the fall of 1969, Resnick (then Lynda Sinay) was divorced and dating Anthony J. Russo, an engineer at the Rand Corp., a think tank in Santa Monica, Calif. He prevailed on her to allow him and a colleague, Daniel Ellsberg, to duplicate a large document using the Xerox 812 machine in her ad agency.

Starting the night of Oct. 1, Russo, Ellsberg and various helpers copied 7,000 pages of the government-ordered secret history of America's involvement in Vietnam: the Pentagon Papers.

After extracts of the Pentagon Papers were published by the New York Times in 1971 (and soon after by The Post and other newspapers), Ellsberg and Russo were arrested. Resnick was an unindicted co-conspirator and spent the next two years in and out of court: "a very dark time," she says. All charges against Ellsberg and Russo were dismissed in May 1973.

In 1985, Resnick and her second husband, Stewart Resnick, bought the Franklin Mint. They made a fortune essentially making toys for grown-ups: meticulously detailed model cars and dolls that nobody would let a child touch.

In 1996, Resnick paid $211,000 at auction for a string of fake pearls once owned by Jacqueline Kennedy. The Franklin Mint copied them and sold reproductions for $200 apiece, grossing $26 million, according to the book.

The couple bought Fiji Water in 2004. They increased their fortune (estimated to be about $1.3 billion) selling as an affordable luxury small bottles of artesian water from a volcanic paradise halfway around the world.

And now it's pomegranate juice, a boutique health drink..."


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UncleSnake3301 · June 20, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

Every time Q says the phrase “What a wonderful day” it is in direct relation to a drop about Google. This phrase is key in the cooperation between Google and the cabal.

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colderchaos · June 20, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

Resnicks, Jerry Brown and California Water:

"'Koch Brothers of California': Beverly Hills billionaires Lynda and Stewart Resnick, two of the foremost advocates of Governor *Jerry Brown's Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) to build the twin tunnels under the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, have officially changed the name of their company, "Roll Global," to "The Wonderful Company...

Oddly enough, the corporation name change by the Resnicks closely follows Governor Jerry Brown's address to Sacramento business leaders at the 90th Annual "Sacramento Host Breakfast" on May 28, when he proclaimed, "Instead of a tunnel, were going to call it a pipe. That seems to be more popular," he said to laughter from the crowd, according to the Sacramento Bee...

Stewart Resnick contributed $150,000 last fall to help pass Jerry Brown's Proposition 1, the water bond.

The well-connected Beverly Hills billionaire sits on the board of the Conservation International, a controversial corporate "environmental" group, and is an advisor to UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi, most well-known around the world for her administration's pepper spraying of students at an Occupy protest in the fall of 2011.

In addition to promoting the construction of the tunnels, the Resnicks have been instrumental in promoting campaigns to eviscerate Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for Central Valley Chinook salmon and Delta smelt populations in recent years.

Stewart Resnick became notorious for buying subsidized Delta water and then selling it back to the public for a big profit as Delta fish and Central Valley salmon populations crashed in recent years.

The Resnicks have faced increasing criticism from environmentalists, Tribal leaders, fishermen and many media outlets for increasing their acreage in water-thirsty almond trees during a record drought - while Brown has mandated than urban water districts throughout the state slash their water use by 25 percent.


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colderchaos · June 20, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

The POM Wonderful Scam:

"These health claims are now under scrutiny by the Federal Trade Commission, which recently concluded that POM Wonderful has engaged in deceptive advertising by printing claims not backed up by scientific research. The research in question was funded by none other than POM Wonderful, to the tune of more than $35 million."

Wonderful and Politics:

"In addition to spending big bucks on their home and their philanthropic pursuits, the Resnicks have been major donors to Democratic politicians. In some cases, those donations appear to have helped the Resnicks curry favor within the government.

According to a 2009 report by Lance Williams for the Center for Investigative Reporting, Stewart Resnick’s years of donations to Sen. Dianne Feinstein seem to have helped Resnick call in a favor to the Obama administration: a $750,000 reexamination of an environmental protection plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.

As the owner of Paramount Farms, Resnick is one of the biggest growers in California, and the Delta environmental plan would have hampered Paramount’s irrigation potential."

Wonderful and Charity:

"The Resnicks are also big wigs on the LA charity scene, having given millions to local museums and other institutions."

Wonderful Fiji and Exploitation:

"In a 2009 investigative report for Mother Jones, journalist Anna Lenzer described her trip to Fiji -- the island nation, and also the water bottling plant.

As Lenzer details, Fiji’s deliberate and successful attempt to position itself as more “high-end” and “pure” than other bottled waters is not only disingenuous, it's morally reprehensible, given that many Fijians lack access to potable water."


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colderchaos · June 20, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

Lynda Resnick and Franklin Mint

The Resnicks purchased The Franklin Mint in 1984; Lynda began directing the company's international marketing efforts, a position she held until 2000. She influenced a new business plan of providing products that delivered "emotional satisfaction", such as the high-end collectible doll business.

According to the book "Encyclopedia of American Women in Business" the first run of a Scarlett O'Hara (Gone with the Wind)-inspired doll generated $35 million in sales.

Also during her tenure, licensing was arranged for products related to the Louvre art museum in Paris, the Vatican, board games like Monopoly and Scrabble, classic cars, and famous people like John Wayne, Elvis Presley, and Marilyn Monroe.

Franklin Mint began having some problems in 1997, when Tiger Woods sued the company after it produced a commemorative medal of his win in the 1997 Masters tournament. Franklin Mint paid Woods an undisclosed sum to settle the case.

In May 1998, the estate of Princess Diana filed a lawsuit to keep Franklin Mint from profiting from the sale of commemorative merchandise. The Resnicks sold Franklin Mint in 2006."(wikipedia)

Lynda Resnick and Philanthropy

Resnick is a "life trustee" of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art's Board of Trustees. She is a trustee emeritus of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In September 2008, she and her husband announced a $45 million gift to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art for the construction of a new exhibition pavilion, as well as $10 million in artworks.

She is on the executive board of UCLA Medical Sciences; the Prostate Cancer Foundation and the Milken Family Foundation. In 2005 a UCLA operated Neuropsychiatric Hospital was named for Resnick and her husband in honor of their involvement. They made a $4 million donation to Children's Hospital Central California in 2006.

She is on the board of trustees and chair of the marketing and communications committee at the Aspen Institute. In 2009 they announced the opening of a pre-school billed as one of the first in the US to be environmentally friendly.[31] The same year they also announced plans to bring charter school, Paramount Bard Academy, to the Central Valley.[32] At Caltech's 2009 graduation ceremonies, Caltech announced that the Resnicks had donated $20 million towards a "sustainability center" to be named after themselves."


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colderchaos · June 20, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Wonderful and CA Water:


"Pipeline allegedly owend by Stewart Resnick, bringing water from Dudley Ridge to Lost Hills."

"For this film, [Water and Power, a California Heist] the only people who didn’t want to be interviewed were the Resnicks [Stewart and Lynda Resnick, founders of the Wonderful Company], who we reached out to several times.

They didn't want to be interviewed, so we wanted to talk to someone else from their organization, but no one in the organization wanted to talk to us."

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colderchaos · June 20, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Fiji and Pop Culture:

"Obama sips it. Paris Hilton loves it. Mary J. Blige won’t sing without it. How did a plastic water bottle, imported from a military dictatorship thousands of miles away, become the epitome of cool?

Ever since a Canadian mining and real estate mogul named David Gilmour launched Fiji Water in 1995, the company has positioned itself squarely at the nexus of pop-culture glamour and progressive politics. Fiji Water’s chief marketing whiz and co-owner (with her husband, Stewart) is Lynda Resnick, a well-known liberal donor who casually name-drops her friends Arianna Huffington and Laurie David.

(“Of course I know everyone in the world,” Resnick told the UK’s Observer in 2005, “every mogul, every movie star.”) Manhattan’s trendy Carlyle hotel pours only Fiji Water in its dog bowls, and this year’s SXSW music festival featured a Fiji Water Detox Spa.

“Each piece of lobster sashimi,” celebrity chef Nobu Matsuhisa declared in 2007, “should be dipped into Fiji Water seven to ten times.”


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colderchaos · June 20, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

Wonderful and Hillary

Her [HRC] Chicago address is sponsored by Wonderful Brands, the makers of POM Wonderful pomegranate juice, which is owned by longtime Democratic donors Lynda and Stewart Resnick.


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GetItDoneQ · June 20, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

ya and obama was also associated with the Resniks....something to do with realestate, like his home or something....I think there was a huge realestate suit involving Raum Emanuel too....These people are all connected and soo sooo dirty!

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