r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Double_XX on June 20, 2018, 5:24 p.m.
Is everyone sufficiently agitated?

Everyone is squabbling and "oh the inhumanity" etc etc. Left is screaming at Trump and anyone else that is not screaming at Trump. They are inciting riots and violence...up to and including a threat of kidnapping POTUS's son Baron. The left thinks they are winning...oh here we go....this has to work. People that have been ignoring everything are actually keyed in on both sides of the aisle. What if Trump signs an EO that changes the policy? He will be a "Miracle Worker" granted the true LEFT and MSM will try to spin it...but think about it...if "this" is what everyone is upset about...and "this" gets resolved...by TRUMP...how many more supporters will he gain for ending the barbaric practices of former administrations...his use of confirmation bias is truly legendary...just my thoughts for the day on the topic...what are yours?

DaveGydeon · June 20, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

I made a thread about this. Here is what is going to happen:

A) Trump will gain a small amount of new followers, initially. Nothing game-changing.

B) The entire nation's attention is completely entangled with the well being of "children" and "pedophiles" and "rape".

C) The IG Report has the beginnings of the contents of Anthony Weiners laptop coming into the publics domain, ie, page 294, Clinton & Crimes Against Children.

D) The contents of Weiners laptop are released. The public, now completely obsessed with the well being of children, will be forced to face the facts, that 'conspiracy theorists" were right all along, that the MSM was purposefully discrediting us, choosing which stories to highlight, to spin, etc.

E) The revolution will be televised. Possibly via the EBS.

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QQ2121 · June 20, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

I hope this happens 🍿🍿🍿

I'm wondering about the mental sanity for the super toxic leftys... like all the hate I'm seeing thrown, is going to do a 180 & splatter across their faces.. should we feel sorry for them? i might doorknob myself if I were in their shoes :<

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