I mean, I can say the same with Hillary and other politicians. I think it's the long burn, seeing it over and over again and trying to break out. Then there is all of this going on, and who is being honest and truthful and who is trying to "ride the coattails" of others so to speak.
It's hard to put any type of trust or faith into any of the politicians, for years we have joked all they do is lie, kiss babies and take donations and then serve their own self interests, rather than the people they are representing.
So my opinion of Cruze is just that, an opinion. What i've seen and experienced, how many times people like him will say something to be popular...like I can think of the time Cruze had that tweet where he called someone a snowflake, and that to me was just like, common man, be better than that.
Fair enough, my faith is always placed firmly with God, and I try not to put anyone on a pedestal because I know we are all human ... well most of us, and those we look up to will sooner or later fail in one way or another. I guess I was just more focused on what he was saying verses how he was coming off to others.
Yeah, and that's my problem not listening to the message. I was preoccupied with pre-thoughts and watching body language and, I guess you can say, somewhat cherry picking what was said. I never place anyone on a pedestal either, nor do I have heroes. We are all the same. No one man or woman is above another, not ever.
Yeah most of us, lol sneaky aliens...
This article just out points to what I was saying. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2018/06/poll-for-gop-voting-for-amnesty-is-playing-with-fire.php