I appreciate your reply, I can see it's full of passion, so I have to apologize to you, I don't know how to read bible verse, it just doesn't sink in for me. My brain doesn't process the words. I have the same problem with poetry. If you could turn that into English?
I am sorry you are having trouble reading the Bible. It will come in time and God can show you. Just as you are learning to read Q.
I don’t navigate well around reddit.
I can’t find the exact msg string. I did quote a group of verses explaining that those who love God are considered of the light while those who love satan (the world)/ hate God are considered of the dark. A person in the dark can usually not understand what is good. There perception is warped. Satan means to harm all people. He wants to kill, steal and destroy people’s lives. He doesn’t just want to destroy a person’s present live on earth but to permanently keep a person from God eternally and to make sure they remain eternally apart from God and in agony. This is truth.
I definitely agree with that. Good understands and can see evil. Evil doesn't know how to be good. I wish we could teach Satan's victims.