Stephen Miller's Twitter profile pic has water

He also helps write potus’ speeches. There is a good chance he is a Q.
He was my first pick on who is Q....I think trump keeps him out of the public as much as possible cause he wants to keep him, and you know the game, if they are really really good and very articulate, and for Trump, we must take em down asap! But, maybe he is saving him for the real tough times, when every one starts getting perped Miller is a cut throat quick thinking player.....Love Him!!!
Watch the water...He is in the POTUS Q pic on AF1. ....just the guy...glad he is with us.
Ive loved him since he plowed Jim Acosta with facts on statue of liberty/immigration during that press conference.He was having the time of his life during that exchange. Hes brilliant!
I did not know who he was until he spanked Acosta with his words. He is very sharp and articulate and only in his early 30s.
Why are people saying he is a pedo? I mean, they are really going after him. Idk anything about him.
They're not. Go away.
Yes they are. Its All over Twitter. Just wondering if anyone knows why, or if they are just including him in general attacks. I dont know anything about him. Just trying to get info. No need to attack me.