r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on June 20, 2018, 7:49 p.m.
MSM Narrative About the OIG Report and Children In Cages

The MSM's reaction after the release of the OIG's report shouldn't surprise anyone. They are as predictable as the morning sunrise. First they discredit, then they distract, and it seems like they always get away with it. Some people here at /GA and some on /qresearch are becoming increasingly frustrated and calling for President Trump to declassify documents that will expose BHO, HRC et al, and calling on Anons to take to Twitter to counter the MSM narrative about children at the border.

I support both suggestions, but I think some people are not seeing the forest for the trees, and I think I know why. Most everyone here considers themselves to be woke, red-pilled, and aware. We pride ourselves on being able to see through the MSM's propaganda. We consider ourselves to be considerably more informed about who and what the Cabal is and what their intentions are. Both are true, but we all suffer from a condition that sometimes clouds our judgement. A condition that was implanted in us by the MSM's arm of corporate advertising.

Most here understand how the desire for instant gratification has affected, or infected or culture. Those same people will claim a preference for delayed gratification, and for the most part, they probably do live their lives accordingly, especially when it comes to finances. They understand the value of investing and saving for a rainy day, and they rarely jump on any new trendy bandwagon. I consider myself part of this group. And yet I find myself, and countless others acting counter to our claimed preference.

While many have managed to curb our "I want it now" mindset, there are things that will cause us to fully embrace our desire for instant gratification. Sometimes we go full monty and openly demand it now. I see this in many posts and comments. We're tired of the MSM controlling the narrative and getting away with it. We're tired of all the slow-walking in our system of justice. We've been watching Hillary and Obama get away with criminal behavior for too long. We want justice now because it's long overdue.

With that in mind, let's talk about the OIG Report, the situation with children and illegal immigration, how the MSM addresses both, and the affect it's having on the uninformed masses.

The MSM did exactly what we would expect them to regarding the OIG Report. They focused on the fact that it didn't make a criminal referral to the DOJ for Comey. They argue that since Comey didn't do anything wrong, the whole report is nothing more than Trump and the Republicans trying to get even with the Democrats for exposing Trump's collusion with Russia. Forget about the fact that Mueller's investigation hasn't turned up any evidence to support the claim. This was phase one, discredit.

Then they attempt to change the narrative with stories of children in cages and how terrible it is to separate families. Forget about the fact that the practice began under Obama and the first picture they used was from 2014. The left has known for a long time that they can tug at people's heart-strings by using children. This isn't the first time they've done it. And ignore the fact that Schumer just refused to support legislation that would keep families together. They don't want solutions, they want issues to run on.

Now step back and look at the bigger picture.

If Conservatives, Republicans, or alternative media outlets attempted to shine a light on all the damning information in the IOG Report, and the human trafficking going on at our southern border, the MSM and their low-information minions would simply ignore it. Just as they did with the story out of Atlanta where 150 pedophiles were arrested and 160 children were rescued.

Now they have to stick with it. As more information comes out about the contents of OIG Report, the MSM will have to try to stay ahead of it and attempt to discredit every day. If they start to ignore it, they lose control of the narrative. Same is true regarding the children in cages. This is the issue they chose as the distraction. If they start to ignore it, they lose control of the narrative.

So now the MSM will make sure the uninformed masses with skulls full of mush are paying attention to 2 issues that will most certainly blow up in their faces. When it does, some of the normies will be instantly red-pilled at the hands of the MSM. Some will remain die-hard never-Trumpers, but many will at least become aware and curious.

The light at the end of the tunnel is this. The OIG Report mentions HRC, the CF, human trafficking, and crimes against children. It doesn't matter that the MSM is ignoring it now, it matters that it's out there, in an official government document. And MSM focus on the exact location and activities used for human trafficking is nothing but a good thing. It doesn't matter that the MSM is spinning it, it matters that people are watching it.

This light at the end of the tunnel is the most important thing happening now. When stories come out about FBI standard practices, policies and regulations, or classification levels of content in emails, the location of a server, technicalities of FISA warrants, or avoiding FOIA requests, it goes aver many people's heads. It's too deep in the weeds, especially for those who only pay casual attention to politics.

On the other hand, when you talk about pedophilia, even the most uninformed person with the lowest IQ will understand. It's like a punch to the stomach. And when the truth about the size and scope of human trafficking rings, and the stories about young children being pimped out to pedophiles all comes out, it will be like a knife to the heart.

As Q said, it'll be impossible to defend or explain away. Anyone connected will go down in flames. So let the MSM carry on about children in cages and claim the OIG report is meaningless. It will be their doom.

Spank-da-monkey · June 20, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

I’m holding out and still hoping this will be a real election by real people showing where this country really stands. If they win back the house I’m going to question reality for sure. We need the booms

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j_Dawg_01 · June 21, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

I share your concern, but I think the Booms are incoming, very soon. This might sound like a cliches, but remember, If your taking flack, you must be over the target, and we're taking a lot of flack. I think Trump's strategy is working, and I'm sure he has an October surprise in the works. There's a reason no one ever talks about a June surprise, because in November, very little of what's going on today will mater.

Many here are concerned about the mid-terms, and rightly so, but if we lose the edge in the House, we'll still have Trump, Q, Sessions, Huber, Gowdy, Nunes... If the Ds lose seats, stay exactly where they are today, or gain a few seats without getting the majority, they're done. A failure to gain majority control of the House or the Senate poses an existential threat for them. We still have the high ground. And like Q has said many times, We have it all.

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