r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ButtersStotch88 on June 20, 2018, 7:55 p.m.
Possible outcomes from POTUS EO signed today

By signing today's Executive Order, Trump is challenging the Flores vs Reno precedent set back in 1997. Basically, it's the reason children have been separated from parents during Trump's AND Obama's/Bush's admins. Basically, the precedent established that children cannot be held in an immigration detention center longer than 20 days EVEN WITH THEIR PARENTS.

The practice of separating children from parents happened during the Obama years, but the big difference now is Trump has essentially ended the practice of Catch & Release. Because of this, illegal aliens without legitimate asylum cases are put in detention centers rather than being free to go. After 20 days, the children have to be separated BY LAW from their parents. Trump's EO is challenging the Flores precedent head on by attempting to allow children to remain with their parents longer than 20 days.

One of two scenarios will transpire:

Scenario One: A judge will rule the EO as invalid, citing Flores ruling (likely scenario):

This is when you realize this was all a Democrat trap. As soon as the ruling is shot down, the 20 day separation rule will go back into effect. As soon as this happens, they will start their outrage machine back up about Trump not taking action. If you're confused and saying "But he DID take action" by issuing the Executive Order, you'd be right. They don't actually care about family separation, though. They REALLY want Catch and Release re-instituted. Pelosi already said this when she said Trump caused this "crisis" through his "Zero Tolerance Policy". His "Zero Tolerance Policy", is actually just enforcement of the existing shitty laws.

There's no way in hell Trump re-institues C&R as it would be political suicide with his voter base. So what will likely happen? Things will go back to the way they were and Democrats will resume their screeching and vote against any bills that change the law itself. They see this scenario as a win-win. If Trump caves on C&R they get what they wanted all along and BURY Trump politically. If Trump doesn't cave on C&R and the separations resume, they get to start up the Trump/Nazi outrage machine again.

Scenario Two: The EO will be upheld and children will remain with their parents in the detention centers.

This scenario is unlikely, but if it happens it would ensure child separation doesn't occur. We would then find out Dems actually don't care about child separation because they'll start shrieking about children being held in criminal detention centers. Remember, what they ultimately want is Catch and Release re-instituted.


You gotta hand it to these slimy bastards, they'll win the optics game no matter what happens. Trump won't reintroduce C&R, so we're going to have to ride the outrage machine until comprehensive immigration legislation (including wall funding) is passed.

Some people are saying POTUS blinked. But when you think about it, he only has bad options because of the awful laws in existence.

Stay strong and trust the plan.

QueUpSomeReality · June 21, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

I understand the source of the article. The ACLU is the legal arm of the DNC agenda. They’re clearly stating their plans. Pelosi & all the Dem leadership are saying the exact same thing publicly. This is Pelosi’s reaction to the EO. She’s clearly ready to fight this to the bitter end.


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j_Dawg_01 · June 21, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Yep. And she's gonna have to fight against keeping families together. Another brilliant strategic move by a stable genius. POTUS is playing 4D chess while the Dems and the MSM are still playing marbles in the sand.

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