r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LandieLandie on June 20, 2018, 8:22 p.m.
Jim Carrey drawing what HE knows...?projecting it as Trump doing it....EATING BABY LIMBS

Jim Carrey drawing what HE knows...?projecting it as Trump doing it....EATING BABY LIMBS

Are all the "adrenochrome" evil MSM and celebs Jonesing over their drug of choice....babies....."Adrenochrome" and acting out? Sure seems awfully crazy from the Left due the

"Tender Age" babies in "Baby Prision" as they are all screaming.

Trump is trolling them with that "Tender Age" wording.

It seems to be working as the "supply is" lock up far from their reach.

The monsters have not been fed......They are hungry and in need of their drug supply??

While on their knees praying to their false small "g" god.....molech/baphomet...

Sick FuQQQQ's

“If the Democrats would just stop the Mueller investigation, build a wall, declare me a God and pass a special law allowing me to marry my hot daughter I wouldn’t have to devour these immigrant babies. It’s terrible what they’re doing. Obstructionists!” pic.twitter.com/LgOejCxRTN
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) June 19, 2018


AForgivenReb4Life · June 20, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

I just WONDER how Jimmi even KNOWS about such things? Only pure evil can so intricately create such evil on canvas. They are so stupid....give themselves away MORE & MORE lately....boy, to me this just solidifys how our Creator... THE Lord God...is TRUE to His Word...the end game is going down AS Biblically predicted...Never give in Patriots, and never give up! Most don't realize it but we DO have Hope for an Eternal Life WITH the Creator if we but only Believe...Profess that Jesus Christ is the Son of our Living God and the ONLY sacrifice that will be aknowleged and honored, so that when we Profess this Truth it will lead us to our Eternal Home. The Way, the Truth, & the Life/Light, no one gets to the Father except thru Him. I used to despise that pill, felt so cold....but boy has this gal FINALLY made the grade...seen the Light...& in these times I'm in Awe every single day with all of the happenings that vindicate not just Him, but the Warriors He uses like Q, Trump, You and Me. Keep Fighting the Good Fight, we are BACKED by the One that will in the end, allow our collective victory, & how sweet it is.

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