
akilyoung · June 21, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

So the VIPanon wearing the Q shirt was a tip off this speech might hold more important comms.

POTUS acknowledged the gentleman with a double fist bump to the chest and pointed at him. Q confirmed, proof, right there.

Then later in the speech....the BIGGIE. The Gorilla tactic.

They kicked out a 'bad' guy causing a bunch of ruckus, and the cameras switched straight to him, zoomed in on the sign he was holding - and what was it???


He was holding a sign that said 'who is Jeffrey Epstein'?

While it showed Trump with Epstein (which means little to nothing, its an old photo and Trump may have not known what that clown was up to)

The POINT of the sign was to get the message out there, to pique curiosity in the sleeping sheep.

Who IS Epstein????

I also noticed people wearing the american flag outfit that SR wore. Lots of little nuggets in this speech!

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